18 Matching Results

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Primary view of Canada East, formerly lower Canada.
unknown creator
Primary view of Carte de l'Amérique Méridionale Dresseé et dessinée sous la direction de Mr. J.G. Barbié du Bocage, 1843
Barbié du Bocage, A. D.
Primary view of Carte du Golfe du Mexique.
France Dépôt général de la marine
Primary view of Eastern States : designed to accompany Smith's geography for schools.
Sherman & Smith
Primary view of Eastern States : designed to accompany Smith's geography for schools.
Sherman & Smith
Primary view of Fayette County
Upshur, Horace L.
Primary view of Geological map of the Middle and Western states.
Hall, James, 1811-1898
Primary view of Map of America.
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Primary view of Mitchell's national map of the American Republic or United States of North America : Together with maps of the vicinities of thirty-two of the principal cities and towns in the Union.
Young, J. H. (James Hamilton)
Primary view of North America.
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Primary view of Nova-Scotia, New Brunswick, &c.
Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney Edwards), 1794-1871
Primary view of Pennsylvania.
Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney Edwards), 1794-1871
Primary view of Political map of North America : adapted to Woodbridge's Geography.
Woodbridge, William C. (William Channing), 1794-1845
Primary view of República Mexicana plano del curso del Rio Coatzacoalcos desde la confluencia del Malatengo hasta su boca en el Seño Mexicano.
Moro, Cayetano
Primary view of Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land.
Olin, Stephen, 1797-1851.
Primary view of The World on Mercator's projection.
Hall, Sidney
Primary view of North America.
Chapman and Hall
February 25, 1843
Primary view of North America.
Chapman and Hall
February 25, 1843
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