43 Matching Results

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United States.

Description: Map shows "North W. Territory or Huron," Michigan east of Lake Michigan only, Bahama Islands off the coast of Florida; cities and towns, marshlands. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:5,000,000].
Date: 1840
Creator: Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Carte générale des États-Unis Mexicains, de la République du Texas et des etats de l'Amérique Centrale.

Description: Map shows the states, provinces, cities, towns, and areas of Native American habitation in the Republic of Mexico, Central America [shown as Guatemala], and the Republic of Texas. Insets: "Guatemala ou Provinces-unies de l'Amérique Centrale" and [Map of] "Iles Revillagigedo." Probably appeared in the author's Atlas Universal de Geographie Physique, Politique, Ancienne et Moderne, printed in 1846. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1840
Creator: Brué, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Nouvelle carte du Mexique, du Texas et d'une partie des états limitrophes.

Description: Map shows the geography and settlements of 1840 Mexico and the Republic of Texas along with adjoining areas of the United States. Insets: "détails des environs de Mexico et de la Vera-Cruz" [details near Mexico City and Vera Cruz] and "complément de la carte donnant le Yucatan et une partie des provinces unies de l'Amérique Centrale" [supplement to the map for the Yucatan part of the United Provinces of Central America]. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:5,000,000].
Date: 1840
Creator: Brué, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

The North-west-coast of North America and adjacent territories.

Description: Map shows Russian Possessions, treat boundaries between United States and Spanish Possessions (1819) and British Possessions (1818), physical landmarks, "wagon road to Santa Fe," major settlements and forts. Includes image and note: "Facsimile of a Medal struck at Boston in 1787 on occasion of the departure of the vessels Columbia and Washington for the North West Coast of America...." Inset: The North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent coasts and islands. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1840
Creator: Burr, David H., 1803-1875
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Photocopied hand colored map showing grants circa 1840.
Date: 1840
Creator: Conclin, George.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Map of the United States and Texas.

Description: Map shows geography, cities, and towns in a majority of the United States, Texas, and "Indian Territory" without state or territorial boundaries drawn. Locations of Native American tribes are also noted. Insets: "Vicinity of Boston," "Vicinity of New York," and "Vicinity of Philadelphia." Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: [1840..1850]
Creator: Copley, Charles
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Jefferson County

Description: Map of Jefferson County, Texas, including the Gulf Coast region. Scale ca. 1:133,334 (4000 varas per inch).
Date: 1840
Creator: Delano, O. H.
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Map of Jefferson-County

Description: Cadastral map of Jefferson County, Texas, showing property lines, ownership, and plat numbers. The map also includes towns, roads, railroads, rivers, lakes, and sandy soil areas. No scale indicated.
Date: 1840
Creator: Delano, O. H.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library


Description: Map shows various land grants, towns, major roads, military posts, battlegrounds, and areas of Native American habitation. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1840
Creator: Doolittle & Munson
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Mann's plan of parts of farm lots nos. 13 and 17 [Buffalo, New York]

Description: Map shows mid-nineteenth century Buffalo, New York street names, block and lot numbers, ownership, railroad line bounded by Emslie, Howard, and East Streets, Little Buffalo Creek, and the hydraulic canal. Includes notes. Cadastral map. Scale [1:1200].
Date: [1840..1860]
Creator: Emslie, Peter
Location: None
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows mid-nineteenth century geography and political borders in North America and South America. Accompanied by dictionary definitions from the "A" part of the English alphabet. Relief shown by hachures. No scale noted.
Date: [1840..1852]
Creator: F. P. Becker & Co.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows major cities and some geography of North America, South America and islands in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. North and South America continents outlined in red. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca.1:63,000,000].
Date: [1840..1852]
Creator: F. P. Becker & Company
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows major cities and some geography of North America, South America and islands in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Political divisions of countries within North and South America outlined in different colors. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca.1:63,000,000].
Date: [1840..1852]
Creator: F. P. Becker & Company
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Mexico, Mittel-America, Texas

Description: Map shows major cities and areas of Native American habitation in the southern half of the continental United States, Mexican states, Central America, and Texas. Texas boundary lines are to the Rio Grande. Includes legend; indexes to Mexican states, Central American countries, and mountains south of the twenty degree line of latitude. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale: [ca. 1:12,220,000].
Date: [1840..1860]
Creator: Flemming, C. (Carl), 1806-1878
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Central America and the West Indies from the latest and best authorities.

Description: Map shows West Indies sailing routes and related major cities and ports. Lower Mexico and northwest coast of South America is also shown and Texas is identified as a separate entity. Layouts of cities in port insets; parishes, towns and estates for inset of Jamaica. Includes key to "Abreviations of the Names of the Nations possessiong the West India Is." Insets: "The Harbour and City of Havana," "Jamaica," and "The Harbours of Port Royal & Kingston." Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by so… more
Date: [1840..1850]
Creator: Hall, Sidney
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows cities, military posts, areas of Indian habitation, "Russian Territory," "British Territory," the United States, Mexico, and a separate Texas. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:31, 200, 000].
Date: [1840..1848]
Creator: Hall, Sidney
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows cities, military posts, areas of Indian habitation, "Russian Territory," "British Territory," the United States, Mexico, and a separate Texas. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:31, 200, 000].
Date: [1840..1848]
Creator: Hall, Sidney
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows cities, military posts, and political boundaries of Russian America, British America, the United States, Mexico, and a separate Texas. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [1:21,120,000].
Date: [1840..1848]
Creator: J. & C. Walker
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows cities, military posts, and political boundaries of Russian America, British America, the United States, Mexico, and a separate Texas. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [1:21,120,000].
Date: [1840..1848]
Creator: J. & C. Walker
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

United States and Texas.

Description: Map shows state and territorial boundaries, existing railroads, proposed railroads, canals, lighthouses, cities, towns, major roads, and notable physical features; independent Texas, "Kanzas" Territory, Minnesota Territory, and Nebraska Territory. Inset: "Sketch of the River Niagara." Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:5 000 000] and [ca. 1:550 000].
Date: [1840..1843]
Creator: Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Amérique septentrionale

Description: This map shows North and Central America with countries outlined in various colors. Major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown by hachures). Additionally, locations of Native American tribes are labeled. There are two insets in the lower left corner showing the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Date: 1840
Creator: Meissas, Achille, 1799-1874 & Michelot, Auguste, 1792-1866
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows mid-nineteenth century Ohio counties, canals, railroads, cities, towns, township grid, and notable physical features. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:1,300,000].
Date: [1840..1845]
Creator: Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney Edwards), 1794-1871
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Vermont and New Hampshire.

Description: Map shows county and township boundaries, land grants, roads, railroads, and notable physical features. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:881,500].
Date: [1840..1845]
Creator: Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney Edwards), 1794-1871
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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