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Maintenance of Pumpers and Other Fire Apparatus

Description: Bulletin discussing firefighting pumping equipment and various types of maintenance to ensure that they will not fail, including descriptions of suggested tests to verify that they're operating within their parameters.
Date: July 15, 1944
Creator: National Board of Fire Underwriters. Committee on Fire Prevention and Engineering Standards.
Partner: Private Collection of Mike Cochran

[Dallas Firefighter Class 89 #1]

Description: Portrait of the 17 Dallas Fire class members from June 1958 to July 1958 posing in front of a building in three rows. They are wearing casual attire including various button down shirts, slacks or jeans. The four recruits in the front row are crouching around a board that identifies the class.
Date: July 15, 1958
Creator: Dallas (Tex.). Fire Department.
Partner: Dallas Firefighters Museum

[Dallas Firefighter Class 89 #2]

Description: Portrait of the 17 Dallas Fire class members from June 1958 to July 1958 posing in front of a building in three rows. They are wearing casual attire including various button down shirts, slacks or jeans. The four recruits in the front row are crouching around a board that identifies the class. Printed text at the bottom of the image provides identifications.
Date: July 15, 1958
Partner: Dallas Firefighters Museum
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