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[Letter from John J. Herrera to George J. Garza - December 1, 1950]

Description: Onionskin paper carbon copy of letter from John J. Herrera, LULAC First National Vice-President, to George J. Garza, LULAC National President, dated December 1, 1950. Requests the charter for the newly organized Palacios, Texas, LULAC Council. Also mentions possible reorganization of Bay City LULAC Council.
Date: December 1, 1950
Creator: Herrera, John J.
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Henry P. Evans to Oscar M. Laurel - 1951-10-03]

Description: Letter from Henry P. Evans of Houston, Texas to Oscar M. Laurel, LULAC Executive Secretary & Legal Advisor, dated October 3, 1951. Evans writes concerning a city lot in Bay City, Texas, in connection with oil and gas leases. Evans requests execution of paperwork by LULAC officers to straighten up the issue.
Date: October 3, 1951
Creator: Evans, Henry P.
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Oscar M. Laurel to John J. Herrera - 1951-11-06]

Description: Letter from Oscar M. Laurel, LULAC Executive Secretary, to John J. Herrera, LULAC National Organizer, dated November 6, 1951. Laurel requests plans for the reorganization of LULAC councils; he mentions a highly publicized divorce in Juarez, Mexico, in which Herrera represented one of the parties; and Laurel asks for legal advice on a question of property ownership in connection with the Bay City LULAC Council.
Date: November 6, 1951
Creator: Laurel, Oscar M.
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Oscar M. Laurel to A. Walter Skoglund - 1952-03-18]

Description: Carbon copy of letter from Oscar M. Laurel, LULAC Executive Secretary and Legal Adviser, to A. Walter Skoglund of Bay City, Texas, dated March 18, 1952. An inquiry from Skoglund sent to the prior LULAC Executive Secretary and Legal Adviser, Blas M. Salinas, has been forwarded to John J. Herrera as Herrera is closest to the property in question in Bay City, Texas.
Date: March 18, 1952
Creator: Laurel, Oscar M.
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

Texas Attorney General Opinion: WW-1015

Description: Document issued by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas in Austin, Texas, providing an interpretation of Texas law. It provides the opinion of the Texas Attorney General, Will Wilson, regarding a legal question submitted for clarification: Whether persons who were over 60 years of age on January 1, 1960, and reside in Bay City are required to possess an exemption certificate, by virtue of the fact that the 1960 Federal census shows that Bay City is now a city of 10,000 inhabitants or mo… more
Date: March 13, 1961
Creator: Texas. Attorney-General's Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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