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[Note, February 1, 1883]

Description: Note between Levi Perryman and Mrs. Eliabeth Henwood in which he promises to pay her two hundred and forty five dollars in two years time from the date of the document. There are two stamps on the back, one from First National Bank of Montague, Texas, and the other which says "Paid."
Date: February 1, 1883
Creator: Perryman, Levi
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Will of Charles B. Moore, December 6, 1883]

Description: Will of Charles B. Moore, dated December 6, 1883, in which he leaves his estate to his wife, Mary Moore. He also describes Linnet as being a baby at the time he created this document. There are two copies, the second shows that it was updated on January 17, 1892. Mr. Moore also created a list of his taxable property on January 1st 1883.
Date: December 6, 1883
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Photograph of Two Women]

Description: Photograph of two women, a seated older woman and a younger woman standing slightly behind her on the left side of the photo. The older woman is wearing a dark-colored dress with neck bow and the younger woman is wearing a two-piece dress with a brooch pinned to the collar.
Date: 1883~
Partner: Private Collection of the Curtis Estate

[Landscape with a rock formation]

Description: Photograph of a rock formation surrounded by trees and shrubs. The rock formation has a small divide that nearly splits it into two. The sky above the landscape is empty. Smaller rocks are scattered amongst the grass and shrubs.
Date: [1883..1951]
Creator: Williams, Byrd M. (Byrd Moore), Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Laura Mary Burgess Weyant Album]

Description: Album containing photographs of a mustached man wearing a suit and bow tie, a girl wearing a dark dress, a mustached man wearing a dark suit, and a woman with her hair in a bun. A folder labeled "The Presidents" is attached to the inner back cover. The album is made of brown leather with golden scroll-work and has two metal latches attached to its surface.
Date: 1883~
Partner: Private Collection of T. B. Willis

[Photograph of John Ab Scogins and Mosie Buckner]

Description: Photograph of John Ab Scogins and Mosie Buckner, possibly a wedding portrait. Scogins is sitting with his legs crossed in front of him and Mosie is standing to his left with her hand resting on his shoulder. Mosie is wearing a two-piece dress with a neck bow and a corsage and is holding a small handbag.
Date: 1883~
Partner: Private Collection of the Curtis Estate

Map of the south west railway system: Missouri Pacific Ry. Central Branch U.P.R.R., Missouri Kansas & Texas Ry., Texas and Pacific Ry., St. Louis, Iron Mount & Southern Ry., International and Great Northern Ry. and their connections.

Description: Map shows railroad routes for northern Mexico and all but the northern most edge of the United States with emphasis on lines from the midwest through Texas to California. Steamship routes in the Gulf of Mexico, and the "Dakota" and "Indian" territories are also depicted. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1883
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows major cities and military posts, provincial boundaries for Dominion of Canada; United States state boundaries, Dakota [territory], and Indian Territory; political boundaries for Central America; West Indies. Includes population and area statistics. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scales [ca. 1:24,700,000] and [ca. 1:16,900,000].
Date: 1883
Creator: Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

[Land Grant, May 17, 1883]

Description: This is a land grant from the State of Texas to Levi Perryman. It has been signed by governor John Ireland, and W.C Walsh, commissioner of the general land office. The land is 90 2/5 acres, and is about 10 miles from the city of Montague.
Date: May 17, 1883
Creator: Texas. General Land Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd, Florence Dodd, and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore, May 26, 1883]

Description: Letter from Matilda and Florence Dodd and Bettie Franklin. They all discuss family news and news of their children. There was cold weather and it damaged a lot of the crops. Florence is concerned that they will only have cornbread, and no biscuit. A smaller piece of paper is addressed to little cousin Linnet from Mary Winston Dodd who was less than a year old. In addition, it includes the envelope from the original letter addressed to Mr. C. B. Moore that had also been used to as scrap pap… more
Date: May 26, 1883
Creator: Dodd, Matilda; Dodd, Florence & Franklin, Bettie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from William and Matilda Dodd to Mary and Charles B. Moore, September 9-10, 1883]

Description: Letter from Matilda Dodd talking about family news, the weather, deaths in the neighborhood and the peaches and apples they have picked over the ridge. Also includes a brief note that William Dodd saying they are all well and that Matilda will go to Texas to visit when the weather gets cool. Includes envelope letter was mailed in.
Date: September 10, 1883
Creator: Dodd, Matilda & Dodd, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Dinkie McGee to Matilda Dodd and Mary Ann Moore, November 30, 1883]

Description: Letter From Dinkie McGee to her sister Mary Ann Moore and her mother Matilda Dodd in Texas. She talks about the sale of some chickens, work done around the farm, family news, daubing her kitchen so it was warmer, and talks about how lonely it is at night. Includes envelope letter was originally sent in.
Date: November 30, 1883
Creator: McGee, Dinkie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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