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[Inter-Office Letter from Thos. L. James to D. W. Kempner, September 07, 1949]

Description: Inter-office letter from Thos. L. James to D. W. Kempner discussing how there was not enough soybeans to harvest so they plowed the crop into the soil to act as a soil builder. James is also advising they want to run another experiment next season.
Date: September 7, 1949
Creator: James, Thomas Leroy
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Isaac Herbert Kempner to Robert Markle Armstrong, May 20, 1954]

Description: Letter from Isaac Herbert Kempner to Robert Markle Armstrong discussing a clipping from the Wall Street Journal that talks about another sugar company and the researching how they can grow soy beans in Sugar Land.
Date: May 20, 1954
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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