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[Home Economics]

Description: Photograph of students in a home economics class, learning about sewing and alterations. The woman on the left sits with a sketch of the woman standing across from her. The woman standing wears a dress that is being altered by a third woman at her feet.
Date: 1942
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Students in Sewing Class]

Description: Photograph of students working inside a sewing classroom. In the image students are sewing either by hand or at a machine. Students sit individually at a line of sewing machines along a wall by windows that look out onto campus. More students are grouped at large tables sewing cloth together by hand. In the foreground articles of clothing and tools for sewing are laid out on a table.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Display of Hand-Sewn Items]

Description: Photograph of a woman standing in front of a display of clothes, fabric, a sewing machine and sewing patterns. A sign above the display reads, "Good sewing techniques + proper equipment = well finished, fitted garment."
Date: May 24, 1960
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Woman Sewing]

Description: Photograph of a woman working at a sewing machine, with three more women watching her. There are broken windows in the wall behind them, and boxes on a high shelf.
Date: September 1, 1960
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library
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