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[Fleeing from falling tree]

Description: Photograph of three loggers running away from a falling tree. The saw of one of the men is still lodged in the tree as it begins to fall. Photo by: Joe Clark, HBSS. Clark PhotoFile: 7212
Date: 19XX
Creator: Clark, Joe
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Broad Ax Timber Shaping]

Description: Photograph of Rick Smith timber shaping at the Texas Folklife Festival in San Antonio, Texas. Rick stands on a large log, raising an axe in the air before bringing it down on a large piece of timber. Rick wears a striped shirt with jeans, suede boots, and a blue hat.
Date: [1976-08-05..1976-08-08]
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

[Arnold Griffin Teaching Log Sawing]

Description: Photograph of Arnold Griffin teaching children how to saw a log at the Texas Folklife Festival in San Antonio, Texas. Arnold holds onto the middle of the saw, guiding it through the wood as two boys hold onto handles on opposite sides. the sawing demonstration takes place in the front yard surrounding a small wooden house.
Date: [1976-08-05..1976-08-08]
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

[Log Sawing]

Description: Photograph of children learning how to saw logs at the Texas Folklife Festival in San Antonio, Texas. The two children push and pull the long saw through an overturned tree trunk.
Date: [1976-08-05..1976-08-08]
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

Harvest Trends: 2010

Description: Annual report documenting compiled statistics on the volume of timber harvested, timber values, production of wood products, and forest management activities.
Date: September 2011
Creator: Li, Yanshu; Edgar, Chris & Carraway, Burl
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Southern Pine Lumber Company Sawmill No. 2 Interior]

Description: Photograph of the interior of the Southern Pine Lumber Company sawmill no. 2, also called the hardwood mill. This view is from the log end and shows hardwood logs on a band saw dock, a band saw, and a company employee. This mill was built between December 1906 and April 1907. All sawmill equipment was in a 40x155 feet area and the lath mill annex was 28x60 feet. Although it was sometimes called the hardwood mill, it also cut pine. The mill's daily capacity during a daytime run was 60,000 f… more
Date: 1907
Creator: American Lumberman
Partner: The History Center

Large LeTourneau tree crusher, LT20

Description: Photograph of aLeTourneau tree crusher with three unidentified men. This is likely the Series G-50 Tree Crusher, judging from a similar photo in author Eric Orlemann's book on R.G. LeTourneau's earthmoving equipment.
Date: 1950~/1959~
Creator: R.G. LeTourneau, Inc.
Partner: LeTourneau University Margaret Estes Library

Log stacker tong on Series "F" Log Stacker (Model C-4)

Description: Photograph of the tong on Series "F" Log Stacker (Model C-4) shown picking up a log. According to author Eric Orlemann, LeTourneau got into the log-stacking business after selling the original company to Westinghouse in 1953 and agreeing not to build earthmoving equipment for five years. It proved to be highly successful. The log stackers were used all over North America as well as overseas.
Date: October 1, 1956
Creator: R.G. LeTourneau, Inc.
Partner: LeTourneau University Margaret Estes Library

Tree Crusher,150 tons, P0U,P-10-34, V-1556

Description: Photograph of the Series "G" Tree Crusher No. 5 model. According to Eric Orlemann, this unit had its two diesel-electric generator sets mounted side by side. The inscription on the side of the cab reads "LeTourneau Tree Crusher. Made by Mississippi Division of R.G. LeTourneau, Inc., Longview, Texas.
Date: February 1, 1956
Creator: R.G. LeTourneau, Inc.
Partner: LeTourneau University Margaret Estes Library

Spar, mobile, P0U, P-10-34, L 11431

Description: Photograph of the Series 90-S Mobile Spar. According to author Eric Orlemann, "the Mobile Spar was a diesel-electric transporter equipped with a folding 130-foot guy wire tower." It was built for hauling lumber up steep slopes. Only one unit was built and sold to a lumber company in McCall, Idaho.
Date: September 1, 1956
Creator: R.G. LeTourneau, Inc.
Partner: LeTourneau University Margaret Estes Library

Log Stacker, P0U, P-10-34, L 8226

Description: Photograph of a LeTourneau log stacker. The log stacker was introduced in 1955 (the date of this photograph) as its first diesel-electric drive Series "F" Log Stacker, Model C-4, according to Eric Orlemann. It had a rear-mounted engine and all electric wheel drive. This would serve as a basic pattern for all stackers to be built by the company into the 1980s.
Date: July 29, 1955
Creator: R.G. LeTourneau, Inc.
Partner: LeTourneau University Margaret Estes Library
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