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Read to Your Bunny

Description: This document provides information on the importance of reading to children.
Date: 1995
Creator: Texas Library Association. Children's Round Table.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Rear View of "Childhood's Great Adventure"]

Description: Photograph of the sculpture "Childhood's Great Adventure," viewed from the back, showing three children in a canoe sprouting from an open book, facing the front of the canoe. The sculpture is located in Everman Park in Abilene, Texas, and several buildings are visible in the background of the photo. It is based on the book Santa Calls, by Abilene author and illustrator William Joyce.
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[Wide View of "Childhood's Great Adventure"]

Description: Photograph of the sculpture "Childhood's Great Adventure," from the side, showing three children in a canoe sprouting from an open book. One of them is pointing forwards, and another stares in that direction with an open mouth. The sculpture is located in a paved area at Everman Park in Abilene, Texas; a stone fence and shrubberies are visible behind the sculpture. It is based on the book Santa Calls, by Abilene author and illustrator William Joyce.
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[Front View of "Childhood's Great Adventure"]

Description: Photograph of the sculpture "Childhood's Great Adventure," located in Everman Park in Abilene, Texas. It shows three children in a canoe sprouting from an open book. One of them is pointing forwards, and another stares in that direction with an open mouth. The sculpture is based on the book Santa Calls, by Abilene author and illustrator William Joyce.
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries

["Childhood's Great Adventure": side view]

Description: Photograph of the sculpture "Childhood's Great Adventure," viewed from the side, showing three children in a canoe sprouting from an open book. One of them is pointing forwards, and another stares in that direction with an open mouth. The sculpture is located in Everman Park in Abilene, Texas and is based on the book Santa Calls, by Abilene author and illustrator William Joyce.
Date: August 7, 2005
Creator: Belden, Dreanna L.
Partner: UNT Libraries
captions transcript

[News Clip: World's largest toy store opens]

Description: Video footage from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas to accompany a news story about the opening of, what is said to be, the world's largest toy store in Dallas, Texas.
Date: August 5, 1954
Duration: 1 minute 48 seconds
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Carolyn Gilles Reads to Children]

Description: Photograph of Carolyn Gilles, Children's Librarian at APL Windsor Village Library, reading to a group of twenty-five children. The children are sitting together on a rug in the corner of a room. The base of the walls are decorated with wall decals depicting children's songs like Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Date: 1977
Partner: Central Texas Library System

[Children's Reading Group]

Description: Photograph of a group of eleven unidentified children sitting and reading books at a large table in room at the library. One young girl looks at the camera. The room is filled with bookshelves, and the back wall has a window and door that lead to another room of the library.
Date: 1978
Partner: Central Texas Library System

[Celia Carroll Reads Children's Book to Adults]

Description: Photograph of Celia Carroll standing and reading/showing a children's picture book to three unidentifiable women sitting at a table. The table has stack of papers and materials including children's literature. Behind them is a paneled wall and tall cabinet. Carroll was Austin Public Library's Children's Coordinator.
Date: 1978
Partner: Central Texas Library System

The Child's Book of Birds

Description: This document includes the front and back covers of "The Child's Book of Birds"; the back cover is a listing of "Popular Games, Toy Books, &c. For Young Children" which were published by the same company.
Date: unknown
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum
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