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The WPA Dallas Guide and History

Description: This book gives an overview of the city of Dallas, Texas including statistics about the people and businesses as well as background information regarding the government, businesses, and social aspects of the city. The book also gives information about tourism and points of interest in the city and in Dallas County. Index starts on page 421.
Date: 1992
Creator: Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the City of Dallas
Partner: UNT Press

A Book Lover in Texas

Description: This autobiographical text discusses Evelyn Oppenheimer's role as a reader and book reviewer in Texas. The book discusses both her life and opinions regarding books and various topics. A selection of her poetry and one of her short stories ("The Green Conscience") are also included. Index starts on page 153.
Date: 1995
Creator: Oppenheimer, Evelyn, 1907-
Partner: UNT Press

[News Script: Tom Dooley]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story about Thomas Dooley, founder of Medico, coming to Dallas for a book signing.
Date: May 18, 1960
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The spirit of '76

Description: Miniature artists' book. Front cover of "book" opens to reveal a hollow space containing a miniature alcohol bottle labled "Napoleon 1876."
Date: [1980..2000]
Creator: Massmann, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Der winzige Struwwelpeter

Description: Essay and history of the folk character Struwwelpeter, translated variously as "Slovely Peter," "Shock-headed Peter," Boy with shock of unkempt bristly hair" etc. This character was well known to Mark Twain, and would have been an influence for his character Huckleberry Finn.
Date: 1982
Creator: Massmann, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

REM Acrostics

Description: Acrostics based on the names of 14 friends of the author, and his own. The title page and colophon are also written as acrostics also. The people are: Robert E. Massmann; Samuel E. Murray; J.N.B. Artfield; Ruth E. adomeit; F. J. Board; Glen Dawson; A. J. St. Onge; Julia P. Wightman; Eugene D. Buchanan; Francis J. Gagiardi; Royce L. Gale Jr.; Philip Bliss; Julian I. Edison; and Raymond A. Smith.
Date: 1972
Creator: Massmann, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

All the world's on stilts

Description: Moralizing story, where the narrator, after seeing a "lubberly boy" on stilts, reflects on people that set themselves above others and make spectacles of themselves.
Date: 1827/1853
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Harvest close upon seed time.

Description: Moralizing tale of the youth who starts by missing just a few minutes of Sunday school, slides into sin, skips class, joins a fire company, and eventually lands in prison in Maryland with a 15 year term for robbery.
Date: [1827..1853]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Give us this day our daily bread.

Description: His mother unable to provide for himself and his siblings, six year old Little Johnny prays on the way to school. On arriving home, he finds food has been left for the family. Not an angel, but an earthly agent of God heard his prayer and provided for the family.
Date: [1827..1853]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The grocery ruined him.

Description: Little Robert would not heed the advice of his Sunday school teacher and avoid the men at the grocery store who kept trying to get him to drink rum. By the age of 13, Robert becomes a drunkard.
Date: [1827..1853]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Going apprentice.

Description: Words of wisdom from an old German schoolmaster to a young boy about to go learn a trade, and how being good will help him succeed.
Date: [1827..1853]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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