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[Bell County Courthouse in Belton, TX]

Description: Photograph of Bell County Courthouse in Belton, TX. A fire hydrant emerges from the bottom edge of the photo, sitting in front of a road that a white car drive onto from the left side of the photo, its image in the photo blurring as it moves. Across the road, a sidewalk sits between the pavement and the courthouse's lawn, turning into a corner near the right side of the photo as two sides of the courthouse meet near the center of the image. Positioned close to the corner of the sidewalk is a st… more
Date: April 1972
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Stinnett's Mill]

Description: Photograph of the Stinnett's Mill in Texas.
Date: March 1, 1981
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Stinnett's Mill]

Description: Photograph of the Stinnett's Mill in Texas.
Date: March 1, 1981
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Sommer's Mill]

Description: Photograph of the Sommer's Mill (located at Salado Creek at 1123) in Bell County, Texas.
Date: unknown
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Thomas Jones Mill Site]

Description: Photograph of the Thomas Jones Mill Site in Salado, Texas.
Date: March 1, 1981
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Salado College Ruins]

Description: Photograph of the Salado College Ruins (located at Main St) in Salado, Texas.
Date: unknown
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Salado College Ruins]

Description: Photograph of the Salado College Ruins (located at Main St) in Salado, Texas.
Date: October 1, 1984
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Pace Memorial Park Site]

Description: Photograph of the Pace Memorial Park Site in Salado, Texas.
Date: March 1, 1985
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Thomas Jones Mill Site]

Description: Photograph of the Thomas Jones Mill Site in Salado, Texas.
Date: April 1, 1984
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Thomas Jones Mill Site]

Description: Photograph of the Thomas Jones Mill Site in Salado, Texas.
Date: March 1, 1981
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Pace Park Area]

Description: Photograph of the Pace Park Area in Salado, Texas.
Date: March 1, 1981
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Pace Memorial Park Site]

Description: Photograph of the Pace Memorial Park Site in Salado, Texas.
Date: March 1, 1985
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Pace Memorial Park (Davis Mill Site)]

Description: Photograph of the Pace Memorial Park (Davis Mill Site) in Salado, Texas.
Date: unknown
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Pace Memorial Park Site]

Description: Photograph of the Pace Memorial Park Site in Salado, Texas.
Date: March 1, 1985
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission

[Kyle Hotel]

Description: Photograph of the Kyle Hotel in Temple, Texas.
Date: 19uu-11
Creator: Texas Historical Commission
Partner: Texas Historical Commission
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