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[Jordan River Painting #2]

Description: A watercolor painting by Blanche Perry of a river flowing through a landscape of flat-topped mountains and mesas. On the reverse side is inscribed "Jordan River. Photo -- Jack Finegan."
Date: unknown
Creator: Perry, Myrta Blanche
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

[Two Men on Bluff]

Description: Photograph of two men standing on the edge of a bluff taken from a distance. The image is partially obscured due to deterioration of the original photograph.
Date: 1900~/1920~
Creator: Boone, Alanson D.
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Two Women Pose on Trail]

Description: Photograph of two women in fashionable clothing standing on a trail outdoors, possibly in a park or other public space, surrounded by trees. Two men and white tents are visible in the background. The image is partially obscured due to deterioration of the original photograph.
Date: 1900~/1920~
Creator: Boone, Alanson D.
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Two Women and One Man Stand in Park]

Description: Photograph of two women and one man standing in a park or garden, photographed from behind. They stand under a tree on a kept lawn with a small footbridge on the right. The women wear white dresses and hats, the man a suit and hat. The image is partially obscured due to deterioration of the original photograph.
Date: 1900~/1920~
Creator: Boone, Alanson D.
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Family Portrait in Front of Tent]

Description: Photograph of a family, possibly cedar choppers at a cedar camp, standing barefoot in front of a tent. The photo features a man, a pregnant woman, and a mother and her four children. The children range in age from teenager to toddler, and the youngest child is held on his mother's hip. The man holds a rifle and a small dog on a leash. The image is partially obscured due to deterioration of the original photograph.
Date: 1900~/1920~
Creator: Boone, Alanson D.
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[View From Mt. Bonnell]

Description: Photograph of the Colorado River and its surrounding landscape as seen from Mt. Bonnell in Austin. The image is partially obscured due to deterioration of the original photograph.
Date: 1900~/1920~
Creator: Boone, Alanson D.
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[Jordan River Painting #1]

Description: A watercolor painting by Blanche Perry of a river flowing through a wooded landscape. On the reverse side is inscribed "Jordan River. Photo -- Jack Finegan."
Date: unknown
Creator: Perry, Myrta Blanche
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library


Description: Map shows late nineteenth century cities, towns, state boundaries, and railroads in Mexico. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:10,140,000].
Date: 1890
Creator: Rand McNally and Company
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Das Kaiserreich Mexico.

Description: Map shows mid-nineteenth century geography, cities and towns in Mexico. Insets: "Die Rhede von Vera-Cruz" [The Harbor of Vera Cruz], "Die Umgebung von Mexico" [The Environment of Mexico], and "Die projectirte Honduras Eisenbahn" [The Projected Honduras Railway]. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings.Scale 1:8,000,000.
Date: 1865
Creator: Ravenstein, Ernst Georg, 1834-1913
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the United States: showing the Principal Botanical Divisions.

Description: Map shows the United States divided into regions based on primary vegetation and then into geographical subdivisions; state boundaries and major cities. Includes explanation of colors and key to letters and Roman numerals. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:13,100,000]. Partial text on the back provides a botanical description for the forest region -- including the Appalacian province and the southern province -- and the first part of the Florida region.
Date: 1873
Creator: Porter, Thomas C. (Thomas Conrad), 1822-1901
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the territories & Pacific states : to accompany "Across the Continent" by Samuel Bowles.

Description: Map shows roads, railroads, state and territorial boundaries, ocean routes, mail routes; "route traveled by Mr. Colfax & Party"; counties in California on inset. Inset: "Plan of Central California on an enlarged scale." Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:7,500,000].
Date: 1865
Creator: Goldthwait, J. H.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library


Description: Map shows existing and incomplete railroads; shipping routes in the Pacific and in the Gulf of Mexico; state boundaries, cities, and towns. Inset: [map of the Yucatán Peninsula]. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [1:9,220,000].
Date: [1880..1900]
Creator: Fisk & Co.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

North America.

Description: Map shows state and territorial boundaries, major cities, and military posts; British Possessions, Greenland, United States, Mexico, Central America, and West Indies; Dakota undivided. Includes northernmost point of Arctic exploration. Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:37,500,000].
Date: 1890
Creator: Rand McNally and Company
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c.

Description: Map shows railroads, major cities and towns, major roads to the West, areas of Native American habitation, "Indian Territory," "Dacotah Territory," and boundary between Mexico and U.S. set in 1848 and 1854. Inset: "Island of Newfoundland." Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:10,100,000] and [ca. 1:8,450,000].
Date: 1887
Creator: Wm. M. Bradley & Bros.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Mapa general de la República de Méjico.

Description: Map shows cities, villages, roads, state boundaries, physical features, roads, railroads, and areas of Native American habitation. Insets: "Croquis de los Caminos de Méjico à Veracruz," "Puerto de Veracruz," "Puerto de Matamoros," and "Puerto de Tampico." Includes legend, "Tabla de Distancias", comparative population statistics for the Mexican states and their capitals with location coordinates, a comparitive chart of the principal rivers of Mexico, a distance chart for locations on the road fr… more
Date: [1866..1886]
Creator: Erhard (Firm)
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Rand McNally Standard Map of Mexico.

Description: Map shows early twentieth century geography, cities, towns, and political boundaries in Mexico. Inset: [Map of] Mexico City. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:4,750,000] and [ca. 1:171,000].
Date: [1919..1929]
Creator: Rand McNally and Company
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

The MK and T Missouri, Kansas, & Texas Ry. sectional map of Texas traversed by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway, showing the crops adapted to each section, with the elevation and annual rainfall.

Description: Map shows railroads, agricultural areas, and steamship line routes. Includes table of "highest and lowest temperatures ever recorded by the Weather Bureau at the places named", and photograph of "dining and sleeping car Southwest." Inset: Chart showing mean annual temperatures of Texas. Scale not given
Date: unknown
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map Showing the Line of the True Southern Pacific Railway: And the Short Link necessary for Its Completion.

Description: Map shows existing railroad lines across the southern half of the United States and proposed sections, including Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway across Texas; "Indian Territory" [Oklahoma], geographical points of interest, major cities and towns. Includes notes. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: [1878..1883]
Creator: G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

United States, western section.

Description: Map shows railroads, state boundaries, territorial boundaries, counties, major cities, towns, military posts, areas of Native American habitation, and notable physical features; Dakota and Indian Territory, [modern-day Oklahoma] panhandle separate from Indian Territory as "public lands." Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:5,069,000].
Date: [1869..1871]
Creator: Bartholomew, John, 1831-1893
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the river systems of the United States: to which are added certain statistics compiled from the returns of population and industry at the Ninth Census 1870 by Francis A. Walker.

Description: Map shows watershed, river systems, and lakes in the continental United States; regions by river system. Includes explanation; regional statistics for area, population, rainfall, agricultural products, and steam and water power. Scale not given.
Date: [1872..1879]
Creator: Steinwehr, A. von (Adolph), 1822-1877
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

[Maps of the United States, Northwest Territory, and Western States]

Description: Map shows state and territorial boundaries, railroads, cities, towns, military posts, and notable physical features; Oklahoma and Indian Territory splitting [modern-day] Oklahoma; state boundaries and some cities on topographical view on verso; cities, towns, railroads, and notable physical features for provinces of Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Assiniboia in Canada on verso. Relief shown by hachures. No scale indicated.
Date: [1891..1893]
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

United States of North America (Western States)

Description: Map shows states west of the Mississippi River, Dakota, Indian Territory; western boundary of Wyoming beyond 110th line of longitude; southern border of Nevada along the 37th line of latitude. Relief shown by hachures. Scale: [ca. 1:8,553,600].
Date: [1861..1862]
Creator: Johnston, Keith, 1844-1879
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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