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[Congressional Record Pages, 71st Congress, 2nd Session, February 7, 1930]

Description: Congressional Record pages from the 71st Congress, 2nd session. The pages include a speech by speaker Ross A. Collins discussing the founding of the Library of Congress and its departments. Collins proposes that the Congress acquire the Vollbehr Collection of incunabula.
Date: February 7, 1930
Creator: Collins, Ross A.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

82d Congress, 1st Session, United States Senate Bill 872

Description: Text of 82d Congress, 1st Session, United States Senate Bill 872 creating legislation "to furnish emergency food aid in India." (p. 1)
Date: {1951-01-29,1951-02-15}
Creator: Smith, H. Alexander (Howard Alexander), 1880-1966
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Congressional Record Pages, 82nd Congress, 1st Session, June 18, 1951]

Description: Congressional Record pages from the 82nd Congress, [##] session. The pages includes a short speech on the American defense mobilization program, followed by the insertion of an article published on June 17, 1951, titled "Johnson of the 'Watchdog Committee'" by Eliot Janeway. The article discusses Lyndon B. Johnson's political career and praises his reform work on the Senate Preparedness Sub-committee.
Date: June 18, 1951
Creator: Thornberry, Homer
Partner: Rosenberg Library

82d Congress, 1st Session, United States Senate Bill 1542

Description: Text of 82d Congress, 1st Session, United States Senate Bill 1542 creating legislation "to encourage fuller participation by small business concerns in soundly expanded foreign trade through Government insurance for United States exports." (p. 1)
Date: {1951-05-17,1951-05-24}
Creator: Murray, James E. (James Edward), 1876-1961
Partner: Rosenberg Library

General and Special Laws of The State of Texas Passed By The Regular Session of the Forty-Second Legislature

Description: The General and Special Laws of Texas contain the text of Texas legislation including laws, resolutions, statutes, amendments, and vetoed bills. The records include legislation from the Senate and House of Representatives as well as joint legislation organized by chapter. Index begins on page 955.
Date: 1931
Creator: Texas. Legislature.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Proclamation of President George Washington Day, Arlington]

Description: Proclamation declaring February 22, 2019 "President George Washington Day" in Arlington, Texas. The proclamation was signed by the Mayor of Arlington, W. Jeff Williams.
Date: February 19, 2019
Creator: Sons of the American Revolution. Texas Society. Arlington Chapter 7.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Procedures Manual for Joint Committees

Description: Report covering budget submission, approval, and account administration; staffing issues and contracts; administrative support, including the handling of telephones, supplies and purchasing, duplication and printing, mail and messenger service, and travel; issues relating to committee proceedings, including meetings and committee's final reports; as well as examples of forms used in committee account administration.
Date: September 2019
Creator: Texas Legislative Council
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas House Summary of Legislative Budget Estimates 2022-23 Biennium

Description: Report outlining Texas's predicted budget for the 2022-23 Biennium, including such topics as major funding items, significant policy or fiscal issues across the state, examples of factors affecting the state budget, a reconciliation of the base funding that explains how the previous biennium's appropriations have been adjusted during the 2020-21 biennium, and article-specific chapters that provide an overview of the total article appropriations by agency or institution.
Date: January 2021
Creator: Texas. Legislative Budget Board.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Analyses of Proposed Constitutional Amendments: November 5, 2019, Election

Description: The ten joint resolutions proposing amendments to the Texas state constitution offered for approval by Texas voters in the November 5, 2019, election ballot. Includes the ballot language, an analysis of each proposed amendment, and the text of the joint resolution proposing the amendment. Each analysis includes background information and a summary of comments made during the legislative process about the proposed constitutional amendments by supporters and opponents.
Date: August 2019
Creator: Texas Legislative Council
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Constitution

Description: The Texas Constitution updated to include amendments passed in the November 5th, 2019 Constitutional Amendment Election.
Date: 2019~
Creator: Texas. Legislature. Legislative Council.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[House Resolution 675]

Description: A Texas House resolution concerning victims of and patients with HIV/AIDS.
Date: unknown
Creator: State of Texas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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