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[Decree from Viceroy Bucareli to Spanish Officials]

Description: Decree from Viceroy Don Antonio María Bucareli y Ursúa concerning the formation of a Miners' Association; the decree also lists delegates named to appear in the association.
Date: August 11, 1777
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Viceroy Bucareli to all Spanish Officials]

Description: Decree from Viceroy Don Antonio María Bucareli y Ursúa concerning funerals and burials of the dead. In the decree the Viceroy cites previous ones from 1693 and 1754 dealing with excesses and what is permissible to take place for burials.
Date: January 22, 1778
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Viceroy Don Antonio María Bucareli y Ursúa]

Description: Decree from Viceroy Bucareli acknowledging that sowing, cultivating, and the use of hemp and flax is no longer prohibited; these are now encouraged. This decree cites a royal decree of October 24, 1777 which prohibited these actions.
Date: March 16, 1778
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Transcript of Surveying Contract between Matthew Hubert and Elias R. Wightman, March 1, 1831]

Description: Copy of transcript for a surveying contract between Matthew Hubert and Elias R. Wightman, in which both men agree on extent of the area to be surveyed by Hubert, specific items expected as a result of the work (including field books for every league), Hubert and Wightman division of profits, and Wightman's responsibilities regarding the final draft submitted to the registrar.
Date: March 1, 1831
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Printed Restrictions on Entertainment]

Description: Printed set of regulations, sent by the department head of the Department of the North, restricting entertainments.
Date: April 19, 1833
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree 64 of the Congress of Tamaulipas]

Description: Decree 64 from the Congress of Tamaulipas to all towns saying taxes assigned in 1831 will be the same in 1835; number 54 contains 20 articles on taxes.
Date: 1834-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Printed Document Concerning Provincial and Local Rules]

Description: Printed legislative document from the president of Mexico containing 191 articles on the rules and regulations of government at the provincial and local levels.
Date: March 20, 1837
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Printed Presidential Decree]

Description: Printed presidential decree concerning elections and local authorities. Included in this printed decree are electoral laws of 1836 and 1839.
Date: May 17, 1837
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

Charter of the City of Dallas

Description: Official copy of the text of Senate Bill 316, titled "An act to grant a new charter to the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency." It includes a certificate of authenticity signed by the Texas Secretary of State.
Date: 1907
Creator: Texas. Legislature.
Partner: Dallas Municipal Archives

Journal of the House of Representatives of the First and Second Called Sessions of the Thirty-Sixth Legislature of the State of Texas

Description: The Journal contains the proceedings of the House of Representatives of Texas including legislation, reports, discussions, votes, and points-of-order. Some volumes also contain supplementary materials. The index begins on page 731.
Date: 1919
Creator: Texas. Legislature. House of Representatives.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Journal of the House of Representatives of the First, Second, and Third Called Sessions of the Thirty-Eighth Legislature of the State of Texas

Description: The Journal contains the proceedings of the House of Representatives of Texas including legislation, reports, discussions, votes, and points-of-order. Some volumes also contain supplementary materials. The index begins on page 547.
Date: 1923
Creator: Texas. Legislature. House of Representatives.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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