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[Collection: Documents related to A Living Tribute]

Description: Collection of planning documents related to A Living Tribute project by the Dallas Tavern Guild. Includes project objectives, technical drawings, dedication texts, etc. Some documents also include handwritten notes.
Date: March 27, 1990
Creator: Dallas Tavern Guild
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[1994 Gay Game IV bid fact sheet]

Description: A group of documents pertaining to the Gay Games including newspaper articles, brochures, and newspapers. All the documents are inside a black folder with the Gay Games logo with five circles and five triangles on the front.
Date: August 23, 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Copy: Withdrawal documents]

Description: Xerographic of faxed copies of documents from Mark William Nelson's former attorneys formally withdrawing as his defense counsel.
Date: February 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Fax: Clipping and judgment of disbarment]

Description: Faxed collection of documents including newspaper clipping about Mark William Nelson's disbarment and a copy of the court's judgment of disbarment.
Date: September 2, 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The Crafts and Worship [Exhibition Photographs]

Description: Photographs of the exhibition "The Crafts and Worship," March 15-April 12, 1964, held at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Photographs documenting this exhibition include sixteen gallery installation views.
Date: 1964
Creator: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

Two Centuries of Black American Art [Exhibition Photographs]

Description: Photographs of the exhibition "Two Centuries of Black American Art," March 30-May 15, 1977, held at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Photographs documenting this exhibition include eleven gallery installation views and five views of people in the exhibition.
Date: 1977
Creator: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

ART/Artifact [Exhibition Photographs]

Description: Photographs of the exhibition "ART/Artifact," November 23, 1988-January 15, 1989 held at the Dallas Museum of Art. Photographs documenting this exhibition include twenty-five gallery installation views.
Date: 1988
Creator: Dallas Museum of Art
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art
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