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Flood Insurance Rate Map: City of Cedar Hill, Texas, Dallas and Ellis Counties, Panel 15 of 35.

Description: Map issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, printed in panels to show precise areas. This map contains a portion of Cedar Hill, Texas, including elevations, markings to show areas most prone to flooding, and explanatory notes. Scale 1:12,000.
Date: 1981
Creator: United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Location: None
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

The Delta (Lower Egypt).

Description: Color map of the Lower Egypt Delta in 1898. Includes major roads, cities and towns and some geographical features. Scale 1:1,000,000.
Date: 1898
Creator: Baedeker, Karl.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The World on Mercator's Projection, Western Part

Description: Hand-drawn color map of the western part of the world as known in 1812. Shows major rivers, explorers' routes, place names and locations of some population groups. Relief is marked by hachures.
Date: 1812
Creator: Hebert, L. & Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Lloyd's Official Map of the State of Virginia

Description: Hand-colored map of the state of Virginia in 1861, used by General Scott to plan campaigns during the Civil War. Counties are labeled and geographic features are noted, with relief shown by hachures. It includes advertisements, tables of population, steamboat routes, and altitudes, and notes on mapping and geology in text blocks around the outside of the map.
Date: 1861
Creator: Lloyd, James T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Phelps's National Map of the United States, a Travellers' Guide

Description: Hand-drawn color map showing the eastern half of the United States, including railroads, canals, steamboat and stage routes. The border of the map has state seals and drawings of some U.S. presidents. Geographic features are noted, with relief shown by hachures. Includes two insets in the lower right corner: Southern part of Florida -- Map of Oregon, California & Texas; as well as one inset near the upper right corner of the N. Part of Maine.
Date: 1851
Creator: Atwood, J. M. (John M.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The Picayune's Map of New Orleans

Description: Map of New Orleans in 1906 showing street layout of the city including parks and roads.
Date: 1906
Creator: The Picayune
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Carte Reduite du Globe Terrestre

Description: Hand-drawn map of the world, circa 1763. The place names are in French with some cities noted as well as geographic features (with relief shown pictorially).
Date: 1763~
Creator: Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Map Showing the Location of Battle Fields of Virginia

Description: Hand-drawn color map of the state of Virginia which shows the location of Civil War battlefields (1861-1865), Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad lines, distinguishing between those which are pre-war and post-war, other railroads during the war, plank roads, turnpikes, other roads and light houses. Bodies of water and geographic features are noted, with relief shown by hachures.
Date: 1891
Creator: Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Ground Plan of Newgate.

Description: Floor plan for part of Newgate Prison in London, England. Scale ca. 1:192.
Date: 1808
Creator: Neild, James, 1744-1814.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

A Chart of the Gulf Stream

Description: Map of the Gulf Stream from Florida and the Bahama Islands at lower left of map, up along the coast of North America, and to Newfoundland and the Grand Banks at upper right of map, as charted by Benjamin Franklin. At left side is text describing the journey from Newfoundland west and south along the Atlantic coast. In the text, "Gulf" is spelled "Gulph" Labrador is labeled as "Land of the Eskimaux's". Inset at upper left is a map of the Atlantic Ocean, showing the Gulf Stream.
Date: 1786
Creator: Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Collection of Travel Maps]

Description: Nine maps depicting the travels of the author to accompany his journals. The first map shows routes through parts of the Middle East and Asia with references to the Orenburgh Expedition. The second map shows routes in Northern Europe and parts of Russia, including towns in Prussia, Germany, and the Netherlands. The third map shows various portions of the Volga River in four separate, overlapping insets with nearby towns noted. The fourth map shows an area around the Eastern Ocean including … more
Date: 1762
Creator: Hanway, Jonas, 1712-1786.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Brazil: Provincial Railroads

Description: Map showing provincial railroads in Brazil as of 1876, indicating (with red ink) those already built, in the process of being built, and projected to be built. Includes 2 tables listing location, length, distance from Rio de Janeiro and other statistics of the railroads.
Date: 1876
Creator: Imperial Instituto Artístico (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

A cartograph of Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay : Golden Gate International Exposition

Description: Pictorial map showing the layout of the Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939 - 1940 in San Francisco, California. The map is a bird's-eye view of the exposition area with north oriented in the upper-left. An index to the buildings is included in the lower-left corner. On the reverse, there is an additional index on the left and maps showing enlarged areas of the island as well as routes around the exposition area. The detail maps include the "Pacific Area," "International Court," "La … more
Date: 1940
Creator: Taylor, Ruth
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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