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[3 Letters from Donald J. Maison]

Description: Copies of three letters from Donald J. Maison: a carbon copy of a letter from Maison to Chief Prosecutor (dated April 16, 1980), copy of a letter from Maison to Steve Tokoley (dated April 7, 1980), and carbon copy of letter from Maison to Bill Arnold (dated March 26, 1980).
Date: April 16, 1980
Creator: Maison, Donald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[3 Levels of Interactions presentation at APAEC 2011]

Description: Photograph of a presentation "3 Levels of Interactions" at APAEC 2011, held by UNT Special Collections. The image shows a room filled with people sitting down, a presenter can be seen at the front of the room near the top right. On the top left a projector screen can be seen, with it containing a chart titled "3 Levels of Interactions" with two columns following it. APAEC stands for Asian Pacific American Empowerment Conference, an annual conference that happens every year at UNT.
Date: April 20, 2011
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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