16 Matching Results

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L'Amérique : dressée pour l'étude de la géographie

Description: This map shows the western hemisphere including North and South America and the surrounding areas. The continents and different countries are outlined in red and shaded in various colors. Some major cities, bodies of water, and geographic features are marked (with relief shown pictorially). There are illustrations of ships in the oceans and of various objects around the title in the lower left corner. There are columns of text to the left and right of the map including information regard… more
Date: 1790
Creator: Brion de la Tour, Louis
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Streights of Magellan: from the latest authorities.

Description: Map shows detailed view of the narrow Strait of Magellan between the coasts of "Terra del Fuego" and "Patagonum Regio." Inset: [Map of southern tip of South America]. Includes notes. Relief is shown pictorially and by descriptive statement. Depths shown by soundings. Scale not given.
Date: 1790
Creator: Kincaid, Alexander, 1710 or 11 to 1777
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

[Message from Manuel Muñoz]

Description: Message from Manuel Muñoz repeating orders from San Luis Potosí for an inventory of community goods of the various cities. The document itself is torn along the edges of the paper and has stains on the edges and corners.
Date: 1790-04~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Ordinances from José González]

Description: Ordinances from José González, Justicia Mayor of Laredo, listed out over four pages. Ordinances include: no alcohol sold or brought in; no illegal games; one must report when leaving town; all outsiders must report upon entering; no butchering animals without permission; permission must be granted for dances, etc.
Date: 1790-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Two Copies of a Message from José Miguel de Cuellar]

Description: Two copies of a message from José Miguel de Cuellar to the justicia in Laredo saying that a woman in Revilla wants her inheritance, which is being managed by her second husband, returned to her. In addition to this request the woman wants an account given for said inheritance.
Date: 1790-03~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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