12 Matching Results

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A Treatise on the Eclectic Southern Practice of Medicine

Description: This book serves as a reference text on the theory and practice of medicine. It includes "a rapid sketch of the history...of medicine," practical medicinal remedies, in depth discussions of the modifications of many diseases, special pathology and therapeutics, and common surgery practices (p. 9). The index begins on page 713.
Date: 1854
Creator: Massie, J. Cam.
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

A Frontier Doctor

Description: This autobiographical account of Dr. Henry Franklin Hoyt chronicles his family's history, his upbringing on a small farm in Minnesota, his work as a surgeon in New Mexico, Chicago, California, Texas and the Philippines, along with many other miscellaneous adventures.
Date: 1929
Creator: Hoyt, Henry Franklin
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

An Account of the Early History of Surgery in Texas

Description: Text of the presidential address given at the Texas Surgical Society meeting held in Fort Worth on October 16, 1932. It discusses the early history of surgery in Texas, including the development of the specialty, early surgical procedures, the first medical associations and organizations, and discussions of notable Texas surgeons.
Date: October 1932
Creator: Singleton, Albert Olin, 1882-1947
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

Notes on the Newer Remedies: Their Therapeutic Applications and Modes of Administration, Second Edition

Description: The book serves as a pharmacology reference text. It includes physical characteristics, modern therapeutic applications and recommended dosages for various synthetic and natural drugs. An index of diseases begins on page 229, and a general index begins on page 243.
Date: 1894
Creator: Cerna, David
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

San Antonio de Bexar: A Guide and History

Description: This book serves as a guide and historical sketch of San Antonio, Texas. It includes descriptions of county and church records, interviews with memorable Texans, a discussion of the benefits of San Antonio climate to individuals suffering from lung disease, as well as descriptions of local churches, schools, public halls, parks and other establishments. Sidney Lanier's Historical Sketch is included beginning on page 68.
Date: 1890
Creator: Corner, William
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

Constitution and By-Laws of the Texas Eclectic Medical Association of the State of Texas

Description: This pamphlet contains the text of the Texas Eclectic Medical Association's constitution and by-laws, including the purpose of the Association, membership information, election of officers, resolutions, ethics, as well as other rules and regulations.
Date: 1891
Creator: Texas Eclectic Medical Association
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

Texas Nature Observations and Reminiscenses

Description: This book serves as a "treatise on insect and animal life" (p. 4) in and around San Antonio, Texas. It discusses the life patterns and behavior of Texas insects, fish, reptiles and other animals, as well as the hunting practices of the time, all in great detail and with accompanying photographs.
Date: 1913
Creator: Menger, R.
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

Texas Surgeon: an Autobiography

Description: This autobiographical account of Dr. Donald Taylor Atkinson tells "the story of the life of a world-renowned doctor who overcame tremendous financial obstacles in order to gain an education" (vii). The author chronicles his family's history, his upbringing in Canada, as well as his journey towards becoming a surgeon in Texas.
Date: 1958
Creator: Atkinson, Donald Taylor
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

The Menace, an Exposition of Quackery Nostrum Exploitation and Reminiscences of a Country Doctor

Description: This book serves to expose fraudulent doctors, practitioners and other professionals who treat individuals without the proper licenses. It includes detailed descriptions of malpractice, letters from a fake professor, newspaper advertisements for fake treatments and cures, as well as other miscellaneous prosecutions in Bexar County, Texas.
Date: 1914
Creator: Dixon, Chas. D. (Charles D.)
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries

Investigations into the Nature, Causation, and Prevention of Texas or Southern Cattle Fever

Description: This book serves as "a report on the nature, causation, and prevention of Texas cattle fever" (p. 9) or the infection of cattle by ticks. It includes statistical tables and illustrations of red blood corpuscles infected by ticks. Index begins on page 297.
Date: 1893
Creator: Smith, Theobold & Kilborne, Fred Lucius
Partner: University of Texas Health Science Center Libraries
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