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The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 63, July 1959 - April, 1960

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 637.
Date: 1960
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 62, July 1958 - April, 1959

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 571.
Date: 1959
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 60, July 1956 - April, 1957

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 587.
Date: 1957
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 61, July 1957 - April, 1958

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 561.
Date: 1958
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 58, July 1954 - April, 1955

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 587.
Date: 1955
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 65, July 1961 - April, 1962

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 619.
Date: 1962
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, July 1962 - April, 1963

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 615.
Date: 1963
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 67, July 1963 - April, 1964

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 635.
Date: 1964
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 68, July 1964 - April, 1965

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 549.
Date: 1965
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 91, July 1987 - April, 1988

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 583.
Date: 1987/1988
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 105, July 2001 - April, 2002

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 719.
Date: 2002
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 53, July 1949 - April, 1950

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 513.
Date: 1950
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 54, July 1950 - April, 1951

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 515.
Date: 1951
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 97, July 1993 - April, 1994

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 723.
Date: 1994
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 71, July 1967 - April, 1968

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 661.
Date: 1968
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 72, July 1968 - April, 1969

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research.
Date: 1969
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 69, July 1965 - April, 1966

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 561.
Date: 1966
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

Hoein' the Short Rows

Description: Volume of Texas folklore, including folk arts and crafts, lime production, oil and petroleum, information about cockfighting, folk poetry, mysticism and other stories. The index begins on page 231.
Date: 1987
Creator: Texas Folklore Society
Partner: UNT Press

Legendary Ladies of Texas

Description: Collection of historical anecdotes providing "a study of Texas women and the conflicting images and myths that have grown up about them" (back cover). The index begins on page 225.
Date: 1994
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press

The Texas Folklore Society: Volume 1, 1909-1943

Description: Book describing the history and publications of the Texas Folklore Society between the years of 1909 and 1943. It includes information about "public songs and ballads; superstitions, signs and omens; cures and peculiar customs; legends; dialects; games, plays and dances; riddles and proverbs" (inside front cover). The index begins on page 317.
Date: 1992
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press

The Bounty of Texas

Description: This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society contains a miscellany of Texas, Mexican and Spanish folklore, including information about hunting, canning, cooking, and other folklore. The index begins on page 225.
Date: 1990
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press

Folk Art in Texas

Description: This book describes popular folk art of Texas, including basket weaving, hat-making, yard art, sculptures, murals, cemetery art, quilt-making, tattoo art, and other miscellaneous folk art. The index begins on page 198.
Date: 1985
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press
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