69 Matching Results

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[Photograph of Soldier with Binoculars]

Description: Photograph of a soldier in uniform holding a pair of binoculars up to his face, looking out to sea. Various Army buildings in a cleared patch of the forest can be seen in the background. Note on the back of the photograph reads, "Myself in New Guinea looking at a convoy going up the coast, July 1944."
Date: July 1944
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Photograph of Soldiers Cleaning Up]

Description: Photograph of the 44th Tank Battalion cleaning up the campsite where their tents were set up. A row of Army tanks can be seen in the background. Note on the back of the photograph reads, "Cleaning up after taking down our tents at Artillery School in New Guinea."
Date: July 1944
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Postcard of Cartoon Couple]

Description: Postcard of a cartoon man and woman with a car near a sign, "Bill's Gas Station 5 mi.," with text that says "What was a lucky break in courting days - is now just another pain in the neck!" A handwritten note addressed to Miss Hellen Aten says "Hello Hellen, I'm doing fine you know me only I miss all my boy friends I would would I. Boy it sure is hot here. But is sure is some grand place here will hate to go back to [?]. Katherine."
Date: July 1944
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum
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