93 Matching Results

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[German Street]

Description: Photograph of Captain Paul Richmond walking up a street in Germany. Buildings are visible on the right, and there are several cars on the road.
Date: July 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Men in Truck]

Description: Photograph of men in uniform sitting in the back of a 2 1/2 ton truck, leaving for the 1st Armored Division in Herbrechtingen, Germany.
Date: July 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Small Arms Section at Herbrechtingen]

Description: Photograph of the soldiers of a Small Arms Section in Herbrechtingen, Germany. Those in the back row are Kovicto, Polakowich, Odenhal, Richardson, and Wise, and those in the front are Wyrphrhowski, Luchett, Donovan Williams, Ver Harr, and Stewart.
Date: July 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Soldiers on a Hill]

Description: Photograph of a group of soldiers posing on a hill in front of a chain link fence in Germany. Those in the back row are, from left to right, William Peebles, Tommy, Yates, Loretto Aguilar, Anderson, Hurl Jividen, and Joseph Tatro. The soldiers in the front row are Debillo, Lewellen, and William O'Neal.
Date: July 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum
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