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[66th AIB Dug-In In a Field]

Description: Copy photograph of 66th Armored Infantry Battalion troops dug-in in a field prior to the attack on Nassig, Germany. The 43rd Tank Battalion tanks are in the background. There is a description of the scene on the back of the photograph.
Date: April 1, 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[At Railroad Crossing]

Description: Photograph of soldiers moving logs at a railroad crossing near Nuremberg, Germany. The man on the left, carrying a log, is Karl Olsen, and the man facing the camera on the right is Marvin Bertelson. The rest are unidentified.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Bridge Across the Rhine]

Description: Photograph of the Alexander M. Patch bridge across the Rhine River at Worms. The old bridge, which was blown down by the Germans during their retreat, is visible to the left.
Date: April 1, 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Convoys in Germany]

Description: Two photographs taken in Germany. In the top photo, a convoy moves through a German village in Bavaria. The pink panels on the roof of several vehicles indicate friendly troops to aircraft. In the bottom photo, another convoy moves through a German town heading for Murnau, Germany and the Austrian Alps.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[A Crashed Messerschmitt Me 262]

Description: Photograph of a crashed Germany Messerschmitt Me 262 jet. The tail of the jet is camouflaged and the vertical tail fin is painted with a white background and a swastika. The tail has been broken off and is lying on top of the left wing. "Jet German Plane" is handwritten on the lower portion of the photo.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[A Crashed Messerschmitt Me 262]

Description: Photograph of a crashed Germany Messerschmitt Me 262 jet. The tail of the jet is camouflaged and the vertical tail fin is painted with a white background and a swastika. The tail has been broken off and is lying on top of the left wing.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Eight Soldiers]

Description: Photograph of eight unidentified soldiers from A Company of the 17th Armored Infantry Battalion posing together in front of a tree in Germany. A field and trees are visible in the background.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Entering Nassig]

Description: Copy photograph of the first infantrymen arriving at the barn to the left. Tanks drive towards the town. There is a description of the scene on the back of the photograph.
Date: April 1, 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[German Prisoners in Nassig]

Description: Copy photograph of German prisoners of war gathered in Nassig. They were captured by the 66th Armored Infantry Battalion troops with 43rd Tank Battalion tanks in support. There is a description of the scene on the back of the photograph.
Date: April 1, 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Gun Motor Carriage Stuck in a Peat Bog]

Description: Photograph of a U.S. Army gun motor carriage with its rear half bogged down in peat. One soldier stands on top of the vehicle while another stands in front and inspects the tracks. A caption on the reverse notes that the photograph was taken at the foot of the Alps.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Liberated Concentration Camps]

Description: Two photographs of the Landsberg Prison in Germany. In the top photo, the corpses of prisoners are laid out, while soldiers of the 12th Armored Division dig a mass grave in the background. In the bottom photo, several people walk in front of barracks for inmates, which were partially built into the ground. A wagon to the left is piled with the bodies of deceased inmates.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Lt. Gaynes in Germany]

Description: Photograph of Lt. Albert Gaynes standing in front of a military Jeep pulled to the side of the road in Dillingen, Germany. Another Jeep and several buildings are visible in the background.
Date: April 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum
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