22 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance January 21st between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

Search Results

[Four Soldiers By Tank]

Description: Photograph of soldiers Carl Strang, Garet Shepard, Ben Cohen, and Kenneth Wright standing next to a tank. The turret has been painted with text reading: "Danger Round in Turr[et]".
Date: February 5, 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Sign at the Blue Danube]

Description: Photograph of a sign by the side of the road near the Danube River. There is a wooden house to the right, and several cars on the road. The text on the front of the photograph reads: "Sign says - You are now crossing the Beautiful Blue Danube - thru the courtesy of the 12th Armored Div. Dillingen, Germany May 5, 1945".
Date: May 5, 1945
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum
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