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Folk Art in Texas

Description: This book describes popular folk art of Texas, including basket weaving, hat-making, yard art, sculptures, murals, cemetery art, quilt-making, tattoo art, and other miscellaneous folk art. The index begins on page 198.
Date: 1985
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press

T for Texas: a State Full of Folklore

Description: Collection of popular folklore of Texas, including information about crafts, stories about vampires, stories about peyote ceremonies, prison folklore, folk songs, and other miscellaneous folk tales.
Date: 1982
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press

Hoein' the Short Rows

Description: Volume of Texas folklore, including folk arts and crafts, lime production, oil and petroleum, information about cockfighting, folk poetry, mysticism and other stories. The index begins on page 231.
Date: 1987
Creator: Texas Folklore Society
Partner: UNT Press
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