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[Photograph of 12th Armored Division Memorial Stone]

Description: Photograph of the 12th Armored Division memorial stone, taken at the 12th Armored Division Association Dedication at Armor Unit Memorial Park in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Text on the stone's plaque says "12th Armored Division 'Hellcats' 15 September 1942 - 17 December 1945. Commanding Generals M/G C. Brewer, M/G D. T. Greene, M/G R. R. Allen, B/G W. A. Holbrook, Jr."
Date: August 27, 1987
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Two 12th Armored Division Soldiers]

Description: Photograph of two 12th Armored Division soldiers, identified as Tiger and Otto, standing in front of a pile of clothing. Tiger holds a coat in his hands, and Otto has a cigarette in his mouth. Other clothing is piled on the dresser in the background.
Date: [1941..1943]
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Photograph of 12th Armored Division HQs General and Special Staffs Memorial Stone]

Description: Photograph of the 12th Armored Division HQs General and Special Staffs memorial stone, taken at the 12th Armored Division Association Dedication at Armor Unit Memorial Park in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Text on the plaque says "MP Platoon & Band. CCA- BG Riley F. Ennis, CCB- Col. Charles V. Bromley, CCR- Col. Richard R. Gordon, Div Artv- Col. Charles R. Gildart, Div Trains- Col. John H Evans."
Date: August 27, 1987
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[12th Armored Division Band]

Description: Photograph of the 12th Armored Division Band sitting with their instruments outdoors at Camp Barkeley. Rows of uniformed soldiers sit with a variety of instruments, and a man with a conductor's baton stands in the middle of the photo with his back to the camera. A tent can be seen among small trees in the background, while a jeep is parked on a dirt path to the left.
Date: 1943~
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Mike Romano and Joe Mizer Standing by 12th Armored Division Memorial]

Description: Photograph of Mike Romano and Joe Mizer standing on either side of a 12th Armored Division memorial. The two elderly men are wearing white jackets and yellow caps with the triangular symbol of the 12th Armored Division. A bald man with glasses stands behind Romano, and a man with a striped purple shirt stands beside Mizer. The monument itself is arrow-shaped and pointed skyward, and bears the image of a tank and a truck. A green wreath containing red flowers and a ring of white flowers sits in … more
Date: 1996~
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

[Photograph of 17th Armored Infantry Battalion Memorial Stone]

Description: Photograph of the 17th Armored Infantry Battalion Memorial stone, taken at the 12th Armored Division Association Dedication at Armor Unit Memorial Park in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Text on the plaque says "Men of the 17th served their country well in the U.S. and Europe, 1942-1945. Let no one forget the sacrifices made for our freedom. Killed and wounded - 745. Missing and captured - 184."
Date: August 27, 1987
Partner: The 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum
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