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Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas to the United States

Description: A book containing Theodor Sedgwick’s opinions about the annexation of Texas to the United States. The book contains discussions of issues that arise if Texas is annexed to the United States Union. A couple of the issues addressed are slavery and diplomatic relations between Texas and Mexico.
Date: January 1, 1844
Creator: Sedgwick, Theodore
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections


Description: A color coded map of Texas from 1838. The map is color coded by land grants and colonies. Many landmarks are present on the map.
Date: 1838
Creator: Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Map of the Valley of Mexico.

Description: Map shows roads and towns throughout the Valley of Mexico from the vicinity of Mexico City to Vera Cruz. Includes "Profile of the route between Mexico and Vera Cruz." Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale [ca. 1:350,000].
Date: 1847
Creator: Hardcastle, Edmund Lafayette, 1824-1899
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Sketch of the route of General Worth's column from Chapultepec to the Alameda in the attack upon the city of Mexico, 13th & 14th September 1847.

Description: Map shows positions of batteries, headquarters, troops, and buildings on the outskirts of Mexico City. Includes the roads and aqueducts to Garita San Cosme and Belin Garita. Identifies route of General Quitman and route of General Worth's division. Includes index to troop positions. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1847
Creator: Pemberton, John C. (John Clifford), 1814-1881
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Map of the Valley of Mexico with a plan of the defencs [sic.] and line of U.S. Army's operations from the survey of Lieut. M.L. Smith & Brevt. Capt. Hardcastle, U.S. Top. Engrs.

Description: Map shows United States troop movements and the roads, buildings, geographical features, cities, and towns in the "Valley of Mexico." Includes legend. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
Date: 1847
Creator: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library

Siege of Vera Cruz by the U.S. troops under Major General Scott, in March 1847, from surveys made by Major Turnbull, Captains Hughes, McClellan, & Johnston, Lieutenants Derby & Hardcastle, Topl. Engineers

Description: Map shows the port of Vera Cruz, outlying areas, and locations of United States troops. Includes text with statistics on "Worth's, Twiggs, and Patterson's Divisions." Relief shown by hachures. Scale [ca. 1:16,350].
Date: 1847
Creator: United States Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers
Partner: University of Texas at Arlington Library
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