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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: Video footage from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas to accompany a news story about the clown invasion at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Crippled Children in Dallas.
Date: August 30, 1964
Duration: 1 minute 23 seconds
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections


Description: Photograph of a group of five clowns dressed up and posed on a stage. Three clowns can be seen sitting in the front row while the other two stand in the back. They appear to be sitting on suitcase props, with another suitcase seen posed in the front that is labeled with the name of their clown troop.
Date: June 11, 1961
Creator: Mears, Dewey G.
Partner: Austin History Center, Austin Public Library

[News Script: Clowns]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about a parade in Fort Worth and the Shriners of North America announcing that the Clowns Unit of the Sharon Temple of Tyler winning first prize in the Dallas parade.
Date: July 20, 1972, 6:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Rodeo Clowns

Description: Copy negative of rodeo clowns at the HSU Rodeo. One is riding a tiny horse, being pursued by another riding a donkey. There are other men on horses by the edge of the arena.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Barnum and Bailey Clowns

Description: Photograph of two clowns at a performance of the Barnum and Bailey Circus. The clown in the front of the photograph holds his hat in his hands and bows to the photographer. The clown behind him holds a chicken in his hands as the crowd of spectators looks on.
Date: unknown
Partner: Witte Museum
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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: B-roll video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Date: July 21, 1993, 6:00 p.m.
Duration: 50 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: Video footage from the WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas to accompany a news story about a clown showing up to a hospital for crippled children.
Date: November 13, 1957
Duration: 54 seconds
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clowns in Carpe Cubana Circus]

Description: Photograph of clowns from the Carpe Cubana Circus. The six women are dressed in matching yellow dresses with large red polka dots. From left to right, the clowns are Berta Posada, Amelia Abreu, unknown, Angela Aguirre Cardenas, unknown, and Arora Dominguez.
Date: unknown
Partner: Witte Museum

[Clowns of the Carpe Cubana Circus]

Description: Photograph of two clowns at the Carpe Cubana Circus. The clown on the left is dressed in over-sized clothing and a striped bow tie. He has a fake mustache on his upper lip, and his face is painted. His eyes are closed as he points toward the clown on the left, who is wearing the same costume.
Date: unknown
Partner: Witte Museum
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[News Clip: Clowns-Kids]

Description: B-roll video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Date: July 12, 1995, 6:00 p.m.
Duration: 50 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clowns on set]

Description: Photograph of a woman posing with two clowns on set. There is a video camera on the left side of the frame.
Date: 1966
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[News Script: Clowns]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about about Bumpa and Polka-Dotti preforming at a day care center.
Date: June 29, 1972, 6:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: Video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Date: July 31, 1985, 10:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 minute 23 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: B-roll video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Date: July 20, 1985, 10:00 p.m.
Duration: 53 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: B-roll video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, covering a news story. This story aired at 6pm.
Date: July 21, 1993, 6:00 p.m.
Duration: 52 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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[News Clip: Clowns]

Description: Video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Date: August 12, 1982, 6:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 minute 21 seconds
Creator: KXAS-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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