12 Matching Results

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Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 2006

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 1-3, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "Texas Tomorrow: The Impact of Immigration."
Date: 2012
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1996

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 6-8, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "What Price Designer Genes?: The Genetic Revolution."
Date: 1999
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1988

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 2 & 3, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "Future of School Finance in Texas."
Date: 1989
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1981

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 4 & 5, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "Health and Medicine in the 80s."
Date: 1982
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1957

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 7, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of this conference was "Should Educational Policy in a Democratic Society Provide Freedom and Opportunity to Teach the Truth as the Teacher Finds the Truth to Be?"
Date: 1958
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1945

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 1, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The conference theme was "Origin of Some Distinctive Features of Texas Civilization."
Date: 1946
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1939

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 5, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The conference theme was "Candid Portraits of Two Friends of Higher Education in Texas."
Date: 1940
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas
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