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Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 2004

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 3-5, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "Texas Military History."
Date: 2007
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 2002

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 6-8, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "The Criminal Justice System in the United States and Texas: Is it Fair? Is it Effective? What Needs Fixing?"
Date: 2003
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1999

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 3-5, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "Texas Values/Texas Future."
Date: 2002
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1997

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 5-7, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "The Arts in a Democratic Society--Past, Present and Future."
Date: 2000
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1998

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 4-6, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "Protecting America: The Changing Character of National Security."
Date: 2000
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas
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