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1 Corinthians 2:6-16

Description: Lecture given Monday, February 24, 1992, 11:00 AM at Abilene Christian University
Date: February 24, 1992
Duration: 54 minutes 29 seconds
Creator: Holladay, Carl
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

1 Corinthians 4:8-13

Description: Lecture given Monday, February 24, 1992, 3:30 PM at Abilene Christian University
Date: February 24, 1992
Duration: 53 minutes 17 seconds
Creator: Holladay, Carl
Partner: Abilene Christian University Library

6 Southwestern States: Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana

Description: Catalog from the exhibition "6 Southwestern States: Paintings & Sculptures [Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, & Louisiana], June 15–Sept 14, 1947, held at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Includes: essay, list of artists and artworks in the exhibition, selected images.
Date: 1947
Creator: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

200 Years of American Painting

Description: Catalog from the exhibition "200 Years of American Painting," October 5–November 4, 1946, assembled for the State Fair of Texas at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts in Dallas, Texas. Includes: essay, list of artists and artworks, selected images
Date: 1946
Creator: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Partner: Dallas Museum of Art

1941: Texas Goes to War

Description: This book is a collection of essays discussing the role of Texans in World War II. It examines both the Texas soldiers fighting in the European and Pacific theaters as well as the Texans on the Homefront. The essays describe both the military and social aspects of the war. Index starts on page 241.
Date: 1991
Creator: Lee, James Ward; Barnes, Carolyn N.; Bowman, Kent A. & Crow, Laura
Partner: UNT Press

[1990 NTIEVA Summer Institute Questionnaire Responses]

Description: A paper that documents the answers from the North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts 1990 Summer Institute questionnaire. The pre-assessment questions were answered on a scale from 'Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Invalid' and varied from person to persons opinion on the certain questions. Such questions focused on how the respondents felt about issues within art education. The post-assessment questions allowed respondents to write down their full opinion to 3 questions and give comm… more
Date: June 29, 1990
Creator: North Texas Insitute for Educators on the Visual Arts
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[1994 Black Living Legends]

Description: THe 1994 booklet for the art exhibition hosted by the Junior Black Academy of Arts and Letters honoring 'living legends,' or notable individuals, of the time through portraits and biographies of those talented people.
Date: January 1994
Creator: Junior Black Academy of Arts and Letters
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

2001: A Texas Folklore Odyssey

Description: This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society "contains a sample of the research that members of the Society were doing at the turn of the millennium as represented at the 1998, 1999, and 2000 meetings." The volume covers "a wide variety of contemporary and historical topics," including baby lore, stories about notable women, stories about food and cooking, information about the Model T Ford, and more (inside front cover). The index begins on page 339.
Date: 2001
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press
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