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Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1939

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 5, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The conference theme was "Candid Portraits of Two Friends of Higher Education in Texas."
Date: 1940
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 2009

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held December 4-6, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The theme of the conference was "The Creative Arts in Texas."
Date: 2014
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1941

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held in December 5, 1941, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The history of the Republic of Texas was discussed.
Date: 1942
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1948

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held on December 11, 1948, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. Creative arts in Texas was the topic of the meeting.
Date: 1949
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

The Philosophical Society of Texas

Description: Text discussing the history, purposes and new by-laws of The Philosophical Society of Texas as of May 31st, 1936. The first page contains an excerpt of the meeting summary published in the Telegraph and Texas Register for the first meeting of the society and the original signatures of the founding members are on pages four through five.
Date: May 1936
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1940

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held on December 11, 1940, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. It was the 103rd anniversary of the organization.
Date: 1940
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1966

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held on December 9, 10, 1966, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. Race and Culture in the Southwest were the topics discussed.
Date: 1967
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1969

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held on December, 5, 6, 1969, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. Urban areas and small towns were the topics of discussion for this meeting.
Date: 1970
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1976

Description: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas held on December 10, 11, 1976, including a list of attendees, text of addresses, changes to membership, and biographical information about members who have passed. The effects of politics on higher education was the topic discussed.
Date: 1977
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Philosophical Society of Texas

Philosophical Society of Texas, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting: 1960

Description: Proceedings from The Philosophical Society of Texas 1960 annual meeting at Fort Clark on December 9-11, 1960. A brief summary of the meeting and papers presented is included. Biographies of recently deceased members are included, along with a list of officers and members of the society. The membership list includes the profession and location of each member.
Date: 1961
Creator: Philosophical Society of Texas
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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