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Texas Register, Volume 8, Number 8, Pages 351-444, February 4, 1983

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: February 4, 1983
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Register, Volume 8, Number 81, Pages 4521-4626, November 4, 1983

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: November 4, 1983
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Register, Volume 8, Number 16, Pages 751-806, March 4, 1983

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: March 4, 1983
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Register, Volume 8, Number 73, Pages 3915-3940, October 4, 1983

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: October 4, 1983
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Register, Volume 8, Number 1, Pages 1-16, January 4, 1983

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: January 4, 1983
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Attorney General Opinion: JM-53

Description: Document issued by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas in Austin, Texas, providing an interpretation of Texas law. It provides the opinion of the Texas Attorney General, Jim Mattox, regarding a legal question submitted for clarification: Whether union dues and other payroll deductions constitute an “indebtedness” under section 2.07 of the Education Code
Date: August 4, 1983
Creator: Texas. Attorney-General's Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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