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[Map of] Richardson, Texas. Water System.

Description: Map showing the town of Richardson, Texas' water system. The streets are marked as well as the land divisions, survey lines, corporation lines, and the tracks for the Houston & Texas Central Railroad. The pipe line layout is marked in red. Scale 1:2,400.
Date: July 1925
Creator: Dalton, E. L.
Partner: Richardson Public Library

[Map of] Richardson, Texas. Sewer System.

Description: Map showing the town of Richardson, Texas' water system. The streets are marked as well as the land divisions, survey lines, corporation lines, and the tracks for the Houston & Texas Central Railroad. Sewer lines are marked in red. Scale 1:2,400.
Date: July 1925
Creator: Dalton, E. L.
Partner: Richardson Public Library

[Group of Men on Farmland]

Description: Photograph of a group of five men posing on a dirt road in farmland. One man is standing on a piece of farming equipment. One man is standing on the left side of it, and three men are standing on the right. Barbed-wire fences surround both sides of the road.
Date: July 1925
Creator: Winkelmann's Studio
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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