125 Matching Results

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Search Results

Combined Shaft Holder and Wrench.

Description: Patent for a new and improved shaft-holder and wrench. This design "consist[s] of the arms having their lower ends tapered to form screw-drivers of different sizes, the heads on the upper ends of the arms, the jaws on the heads, and the threaded shaft attached to one of the arms and engaging a tapped aperture in the other arm" (lines 92-98).
Date: January 8, 1889
Creator: Nott, Henry W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Apparatus for Impregnating Liquids with Gases.

Description: Patent for a new and improved apparatus for impregnating liquids with gases. This design "relates to apparatus for impregnating water or other suitable liquid with the fumes emanating from the consumption of a combustible composition of matter, such as sulphur, which when ignited emits a gas containing suitable medicinal qualities" (lines 14-19). It consists in "the closed reservoir for containing the liquid, having windows upon opposite walls thereof, of the transverse beam having its ends sup… more
Date: October 8, 1889
Creator: Radam, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Mechanical Movement

Description: Patent for "improvements in devices for converting reciprocal into rotary motion, and is more particularly adapted and intended for use with windmills in applying the reciprocal motion of the pump-rod to the operation of rotating machines" (lines 11-16).
Date: January 8, 1889
Creator: Fulton, James C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a new and improved planter. This design consists in "[t]he combination, with a plow, of the board, the clip detachably securing said board to the plow-beam, the hopper secured to the rear end of the board and provided with the openings and brush, the lever pivoted upon the clip, the spring, the seed-slide secured to the end of the rear arm of the lever, and the dropping-tube screwed through its wing to the plow standard" (lines 37-46).
Date: January 8, 1889
Creator: Cromer, Thomas L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Railway Car.

Description: Patent for improvements in railway car design to protect passengers against train robberies by a combination of "several walls of the compartment and doors connected therewith bullet-proof lining, and in providing several walls and doors, each with a series of port-holes" (lines 27-31) from which occupants can fire weapons in defense with accompanying illustrations.
Date: January 8, 1889
Creator: Warren, Gerald Patrick
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for "a simple and efficient device and to secure economy in power and in construction" (lines 9-11).
Date: January 8, 1889
Creator: Taylor, George
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a new and improved plow. This design "relates to improvements in plows, particularly to that portion of the plow known as the point; and it has for its object to produce a point that may be reversed, so that both ends may be utilized or may be made to project sufficiently to convert the plow into a sub-soil plow. To this end the invention consists of a blade with two or both sets of bolt-holes and a double-ended point with holes nearer one end than the other" (lines 11-21).
Date: January 8, 1889
Creator: Rhodes, William Taylor
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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