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[Letter from Robinson Portraits to Mr. Tom Booth]

Description: Letter from Robinson Portraits to Mr. Tom Booth. Letterhead in blue: "Robinson Portraits Marijo Robinson One Studio Only Children and Pets [emblem] Member The Photographers Association of America 2912 Fannin, JA 9 - 1108 Houston 2, Texas Established 1935". The note reads as follows: "April 15 - 58 Mr. Tom Booth Richmond, Tex- 1-3 /14 [sic] x 4 1/4 colored copy in Frame - 5500 Paid April 16 - Robinson Portraits [sic] 1958". The photograph referred to in the letter is accession 2000.052.003b.
Date: April 15, 1958
Partner: George Ranch Historical Park
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