140 Matching Results

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Description: Patent for improvements in the construction of steam cotton presses using a change in the frame and use of hydraulic-pressure pumps to operate the press. The pumps are driven by steam
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Turnpaugh, James William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Combined Torch and Gas Burner Key.

Description: Patent for a new and improved combined torch and gas-burner key. This design "relates to a device for lighting gas-burners and operating the cock of the gas-burner, and has for its object to provide a combined torch and key by means of which the gas may be lighted without the flame of the torch coming in contact with the globe surrounding the burner and the cock of the gas-burner readily taken hold of and operated" (lines 8-15).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Lindsay, George Washington
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Cotton and Corn Planter

Description: Patent for "a durable and illexpensive planter which will serve to plant both corn and cotton in a perfect manner, and thus combine the two machines in one" (lines 11-14).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Letot, Clement
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a new and improved gate. This design consists in "the post having projecting pins or studs combined with the gate having the hinges composed of a pair of plates bolted together, the said plates being swelled outward to provide collars, which are provided with cams" (lines 66-71).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Friday, Henry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a new and improved wheel. This design "is to obviate the . . . great difficulty . . . experienced in the construction of wheels in putting the axle-box in the hub and getting it true. . . . and [to] improve and strengthen the construction of wheels, and especially the manner of securing the spokes in the hubs" (lines 9-17).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Holland, William Johnson
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Post Hole Auger.

Description: Patent for a new and improved post-hole auger. This design consists in "the shank forked and continued in the arms, the latter having elbows at their lower ends, in combination with the ring-shaped band having a sharp lower edge and bolts passing through said bands and arms and through said elbows and arms" (lines 91-97).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: McCall, Dugald Bell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for "a device which shall be simple in construction and by meansof which the planting of the seed may be performed in an even and regular manner" (lines 9-13).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Cook, John R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Cotton Seed Planter.

Description: Patent for a new and improved planter. This design consists in "the combination, with the side bars of the main frame, the plow-standard connecting the front ends thereof, and the covering board connecting the rear ends of the side bars, of the handles secured to the side bars near the front end of the machine, the rectangularly-bent brace-bar secured to the side bars and to the handles, and the centrally-bent brace-bar secured to the side bars and the brace-bar" (lines 86-95).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Secrest, Louis Evin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Cotton-Cultivating Machine

Description: Patent to "provide an implement which, in passing once over the row of cotton, will chop, scrape, and cultivate said row" (lines 10-13).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Runyon, Edwin Elijah
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Saw Set.

Description: Patent for a new and improved saw-set. This design "is to set saw-teeth in a new and efficient manner without the use of a lever" (lines 14-16). To this end, it "consist[s] of the frame having the arms, blade-bearings, setting-recess, and the three screws" (lines 48-50).
Date: October 15, 1889
Creator: Peter, Henry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for "a fire-escape and observation-tower, which may be raised or extended at any point, or be lowered and compactly folded for transportation" (lines 7-10).
Date: January 15, 1889
Creator: Rüllmann, John D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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