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Texas Register, Volume 10, Number 39, Pages 1601-1654, May 21, 1985

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: May 21, 1985
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Register, Volume 10, Number 48, Pages 2051-2094, June 21, 1985

Description: A weekly publication, the Texas Register serves as the journal of state agency rulemaking for Texas. Information published in the Texas Register includes proposed, adopted, withdrawn and emergency rule actions, notices of state agency review of agency rules, governor's appointments, attorney general opinions, and miscellaneous documents such as requests for proposals. After adoption, these rulemaking actions are codified into the Texas Administrative Code.
Date: June 21, 1985
Creator: Texas. Secretary of State.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Funeral Program for Lizzie Thompson, June 21, 1985]

Description: Funeral program for Sister Lizzie Thompson. The funeral was held June 21, 1985 at Mt. Zion First Baptist Church, officiated by Rev. Claude W. Black, Jr. Funeral arrangements were made through the Lewis Funeral Home, and she was buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery near San Antonio, Texas.
Date: June 21, 1985
Partner: San Antonio Public Library

Texas Attorney General Opinion: JM-303

Description: Document issued by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas in Austin, Texas, providing an interpretation of Texas law. It provides the opinion of the Texas Attorney General, Jim Mattox, regarding a legal question submitted for clarification: Whether federal money received by the Hinson-Hazlewood College Student Loan Program as a lender's special allowance is subject to the provisions of section 52.17 of the Education Code.
Date: March 21, 1985
Creator: Texas. Attorney-General's Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Texas Attorney General Opinion: JM-328

Description: Document issued by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas in Austin, Texas, providing an interpretation of Texas law. It provides the opinion of the Texas Attorney General, Jim Mattox, regarding a legal question submitted for clarification; Whether regulations enacted pursuant to article 1581e-1, V.T.C.S., and sections 16.31 et seq., of the Texas Water Co[-] constitute a taking of land
Date: June 21, 1985
Creator: Texas. Attorney-General's Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Letter from Margaret Winn - September 21, 1985]

Description: Letter from Margaret Winn asking for financial contributions to the San Antonio chapter of The Links, Inc. Recipients are encouraged to place an advertisement in the program of events for the chapter's Anniversary Dinner.
Date: September 21, 1985
Creator: Links, Inc. San Antonio Chapter.
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

[Form letter sent to prospective donors to the San Antonio chapter of Links, Inc.]

Description: Form letter by Margaret Winn sent to prospective donors to the San Antonio chapter of The Links, Inc. inviting them to contribute to the chapter's 25th anniversary celebrations by donating to their Silver Anniversary Booklet Project. These souvenir booklets will be given as gifts to friends and supporters.
Date: September 21, 1985
Creator: Links, Inc. San Antonio Chapter.
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections
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