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Primary view of Tax receipt dated June 20, 1866.
unknown creator
June 20, 1866
Primary view of [Receipt for teacher's salary]
unknown creator
November 20, 1896
Primary view of [1935 An Income Tax Return for Boyce Ditto]
unknown creator
February 20, 1936
Primary view of "Correspondence with Texas, on the Subject of Annexation"
unknown creator
March 20, 1845
Primary view of [Bill of sale for three slaves to William Murrell, September 20, 1849]
Murrell, Samuel
September 20, 1849
Primary view of [State and County Tax Receipt for Milton Parks]
Wright, A.
June 20, 1876
Primary view of [State and County Tax Receipt for Aaron Parks, Jan 20 1876]
unknown creator
January 20, 1876
Primary view of [Receipt of payment between R.P. Crockett and Eli Boyett]
unknown creator
March 20, 1873
Primary view of [Certificate of Promotion]
unknown creator
May 20, 1949
Primary view of [Great Safety Adventure]
Castillo, José L.
February 20, 2006
Primary view of Programa piloto busca reducir brecha academica en edad preescolar
Castillo, José L.
April 20, 2006
Primary view of Veneran a San Martín de Porres
Castillo, José L.
March 20, 2006
Primary view of [Organization helps the low income elderly in Dallas]
Castillo, José L.
March 20, 2005
Primary view of [Inventory and inspection report of Quartermaster's stores, June 20, 1865]
Brady, E. H.
June 20, 1865
Primary view of [Quarterly Return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, July 20, 1865]
Redway, Hamilton K.
July 20, 1865
Primary view of [List of Additions to the Role, October 20, 1864]
unknown creator
October 20, 1864
Primary view of [Ordnance voucher, December 20, 1864]
Comstock, E. D.
December 20, 1864
Primary view of [List of Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage from John W. Alexander,June 20, 1865]
Alexander, John W.
June 20, 1865
Primary view of [Pass for furlough for Orlando Wright, February 20, 1865]
Platner, John S.
February 20, 1865
Primary view of [Substitution Request from Henry S. Field to Hamilton K. Redway, December 20, 1864]
Field, Henry S.
December 20, 1864
Primary view of [Envelope from Emmett Patton to Levi Perryman, September 20, 1908]
Patton, Emmett
September 20, 1908
Primary view of [Receipt from Stephens and  Matlock to R. A. "Bob" Nix, January 20, 1879]
Stephens and Matlock
January 20, 1879
Primary view of [Document regarding a consignment of sheathing, April 20, 1857]
unknown creator
April 20, 1857
Primary view of [Receipt for 105 francs paid to Georg Müller, February 20, 1844]
Müller, Georg
February 20, 1844
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