9 Matching Results

Search Results

[Letter from D. W. Kempner to Mary Jean, July 11, 1956]

Description: Letter from D. W. Kempner to Mary Jean discussing payments to H. Kempner Firm, a sugar trade, family stock shares at Imperial Sugar, death and sickness in the community, and farming operations.
Date: July 11, 1956
Creator: Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from George Andre to Oran H. Kite, July 1, 1954]

Description: Letter from George Andre to Isaac Herbert Kempner discussing the Imperial Sugar Companies credit lines being extended by the banks they use for capital investment.
Date: July 1, 1954
Creator: Andre, George L.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Harris Leon Kempner to Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Kempner, July 7, 1948]

Description: Letter from Harris Leon Kempner to Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Kempner discussing Harris's fourth of July gathering and the illness that is currently spreading in his home but explaining that Ruth Kempner has mostly recovered. Harris also explains the current rate of hay bale sales in Sugarland.
Date: July 7, 1948
Creator: Kempner, Harris Leon
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from G. A. Stirl to Harris K. Weston, July 2, 1959]

Description: Letter from G. A. Stirl to Harris K. Weston discussing about business conditions as per Texas Business Review, reduction in sales and increase in cost per lot at Residential Venice.
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Stirl, Gus A.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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