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Oral History Interview with Lupe Uresti, July 14, 2016

Description: Lupe Uresti discussed her experiences in a segregated Rosenberg and racially tense schooling, working for her father's business, her public service as a council member and then the first Mexican-American female mayor of Rosenberg, and finally her work for public housing services.
Date: July 14, 2016
Duration: 1 hour 53 minutes 40 seconds
Creator: Grevious, Daniell; Bobadilla, Eladio & Uresti, Lupe
Partner: TCU Mary Couts Burnett Library

[Arlington Chapter members in barn]

Description: Photograph of members of TXSSAR's Arlington Chapter (#7) inside of a barn at George Ranch for the TXSSAR Houston Congress. They are (L-R) Mike Connelley, Ron Carter, Meredith Anderson, and John Anderson.
Date: July 14, 2018
Creator: Sons of the American Revolution. Texas Society. Arlington Chapter 7.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[TXSSAR George Ranch event]

Description: Photograph of members gathered at tables inside of a large barn for the TXSSAR Houston Congress. They are at George Ranch and there is a large Texas flag hanging in the background.
Date: July 14, 2018
Creator: Sons of the American Revolution. Texas Society. Arlington Chapter 7.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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