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[Transcript of Letter from Ferguson Jones and Co. to James F. Perry, October 7, 1834]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from Ferguson Jones and Co. to James F. Perry, in which the company representatives acknowledge receipt of Perry's order, and inform Perry that all items were located except for one book. Company representatives also update Perry regarding the final settlement of accounts.
Date: October 7, 1834
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from John Farman to John Patterson Osterhout, December 7, 1873]

Description: Letter from John Farman to John Patterson Osterhout. The letter includes a list of items found at a depot. At the end, Mr. Farman briefly mentioned that the Democrats are won recent elections in his state and that he was well. Included is an envelope addressed to "J. P. Osterhout."
Date: December 7, 1873
Creator: Farman, John
Partner: Austin College

[Letter from James Spaights to Doris Horne - May 7, 1965]

Description: Letter from James Spaights to Doris Horne confirming that he will play at a concert hosted by the San Antonio chapter of The Links, Inc. Spaights was ill and unable to send the promotional materials that Horne had requested earlier. However, he has recovered and placed the materials in the mail.
Date: May 7, 1965
Creator: Spaights, James
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Griggs to Captain Charles R. Griggs, April 7, 1945]

Description: Letter from Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Griggs to their son Captain Charles R. Griggs discussing the house work that they have done recently including replacing fence posts, and wondering if they should get a barbecue pit. They also tell Charles that they do not worry about him as they "had the assurance of God [that he] would take care of you."
Date: April 7, 1945
Creator: Griggs, Mrs. C. K.
Partner: Pioneer City County Museum

[Letter from I. H. to Cecile Kempner, November 7, 1949]

Description: Letter to Cecile from her father about politics, the New York senator, government, economics, and president Truman's actions.
Date: November 7, 1949
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Mrs. Tanner to Mrs. Kempner, November 7, 1941]

Description: Letter to Mrs. Kempner from Mrs. Tanner from the AWVS. Included in the letter is a copy of a letter from Mrs. Alison. The letter also informs that the chairman of the Dallas unit of the AWVS has resigned.
Date: November 7, 1941
Creator: Tanner, Mrs. Frederick C.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Mrs. Kempner to Mrs. Perry, September 7, 1944]

Description: Letter from Mrs. Kempner to Mrs. Perry about the national office requesting a story and containing two cards that were returned by the office in New York.
Date: September 7, 1944
Creator: Kempner, Jeane Bertig
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from I. H. to Cecile Kempner, March 7, 1948]

Description: Handwritten letter from I. H. Kempner to Cecile Kempner about providing brief updates on John Thompson's "calamity" and a recent visit from Herb, Mary Jean, and Dan.
Date: March 7, 1948
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Marie Gosselin, May 7, 1942]

Description: Letter from the American Women's Voluntary Services' Chairman of the Planning Committee Marie Gosselin and Secretary M. W. Treherne-Thomas enclosing a sample ballot for the upcoming election at the annual meeting and informing the recipient to give instructions to their delegates and proxies on how to vote.
Date: May 7, 1942
Creator: American Women's Voluntary Services
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Ms. Blake to Mrs. McLean, January 7, 1946]

Description: Letter from Ms. Blake to Mrs. McLean appreciating the work she has done, changes in the name of the War Finance Division, Mrs. Robinson, and educational programs for members.
Date: January 7, 1946
Creator: Blake, Mabelle B.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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