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[Documents pertaining to the case of United States of America vs. Joe B. Plosser, Charles A Prince, Victor J. Nelson, A. L. Leaverenz, Charles R. Carpenter, Nicholas K. Marshall, A. E. Hrbacek, and Elton Taylor, cause no. 1718, 1943]

Description: Documents that relate to the case of United States of America vs. Joe B. Plosser, Charles A Prince, Victor J. Nelson, A. L. Leaverenz, Charles R. Carpenter, Nicholas K. Marshall, A. E. Hrbacek, and Elton Taylor, accused of fraud, filed April 28, 1943. Documents include the verdicts as delivered by the foreman, Aubry D. Anderson, and a certificate of authenticity from the office of the Clerk of the District Court, George W. Parker.
Date: 1943
Creator: Parker, George W.
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from the United States Senate Committee on Military Affairs to Henry H. Arnold, May 13, 1943]

Description: Letter from the United States Senate Committee on Military Affairs to Lieutenant General Henry H. Arnold discussing the conspiracy case against Joe B. Plosser and Charles A. Prince, operators of a military training facility in Sweetwater, Texas. They conclude that the charges and consequent contract cancellation were unjustified and urge the general to reinstate the contract.
Date: May 13, 1943
Creator: United States Senate
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Jacqueline Cochran's Typed Daily Schedule: December 1969 to December 1973]

Description: Text of Jacqueline Cochran's typed daily schedule from December 21, 1969, to December 15, 1973, including golf tournaments, doctor appointments, hair appointments, Arthritis Foundation committee meetings, dinner meetings, budget meetings, and board meetings. Entries include day of week, time, and location. They also include personal handwritten notes on some entries.
Date: unknown
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Reserve Order A-5 through A-42]

Description: Several pages of reserve orders assigning groups of officers and airmen to various flights and class courses, with Major Paul Hill's name underlined in red on each order.
Date: {1962-07-26..1964-07-16}
Creator: United States. Air Force.
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

["Fifinella" Statue Unveiling Schedule]

Description: Schedule of events for the ceremonial unveiling of a Fifinella statue at Avenger Field, Texas State Technical Institute, including speeches from WASP officers, the director of NASA, and a tribute to WASP flight instructor, Rigdon Edwards, Jr.
Date: 1976
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum
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