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Church Exterior

Description: Copy negative of two photographs. The top photograph shows Hendrick Hospital and three women, including Nina Ora Campbell. The bottom photograph shows the exterior of the Truby Baptist Church with an automobile parked in front of it.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from J. D. Sandefer Jr. to H. A. Pender, E. F. Pittard, Dan Moody, Claude McAden, and Barney Carter - February 9, 1950]

Description: Letter from J. D. Sandefer Jr. to Mrs. Pender, Mrs. Pittard, Mrs. Moody, Mrs. McAden, and Mr. Carter concerning a photo he found while at his mother’s house in Abilene. He includes a limerick that he describes as “unfair to use.”
Date: February 9, 1950
Creator: Sandefer, J. D., Jr.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Map of Asylum Lands

Description: Survey map of land grants for "blind and lunatic asylums" in Shackelford, Jones, Taylor, and Calhoun Counties, showing blocks of land and plat numbers. The map also includes rivers, creeks, and areas of elevation. Relief shown in hachures. Scale [ca. 1:70,000] (2000 varas to the inch).
Date: 1857
Creator: Creuzbaur, Robert
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Combination Map of Parts of Jones, Taylor, Fisher, and Nolan Counties.

Description: Survey map of parts of Jones, Taylor, Fisher, and Nolan Counties, showing rivers, towns, boundaries, creeks, original land grants or surveys, roads, and blocks of land. A legend indicating drilling wells, gas wells, abandoned wells, and dry holes is included in the lower-left corner of the second sheet. Handwritten notes have been made on the map in red pencil to outline specific tracts of land. Scale [ca. 1:66,667] (2000 varas to the inch).
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library


Description: Topographic quadrangle map of Abilene, Texas, and the surrounding area, showing towns, roads, bodies of water, and borders, with relief shown by contours (interval 100 feet) and spot heights. Scale 1:250,000
Date: 1954
Creator: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
Location: None
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

Big Springs

Description: Topographic quadrangle map of Big Spring, Texas, and the surrounding area, showing towns, roads, bodies of water, landmarks, and borders, with relief shown by contours (interval 100 feet with supplementary contours at 50 foot intervals) and spot heights. A location diagram is included in the lower-right corner. Scale 1:250,000
Date: 1954
Creator: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers.
Location: None
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from A. W. Weatherford to William John Bryan, February 7, 1909]

Description: Letter from A. W. Weatherford to William John Bryan discussing Bryan's recent successful speech and suggesting that Bryan push to have Tom McCleere appointed a member of the "Live Stock Sanitarion Board". The letter is headed by an illustration of a building with the title, "Texas Anchor Fence Co.".
Date: February 7, 1909
Creator: Weatherford, A. W.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Last Will and Testament of Mary E. Sayles, October 16, 1906]

Description: Last will and testament of Mary E. Sayles, in which she bequeaths much of her property to her daughters, Mary and Emma Sayles, and names her son and her son-in-law, Henry Sayles and George C. Harris, as the executors of the will. The document is not hand-signed and has the word, "copy.", typed in the header.
Date: October 16, 1907
Creator: Sayles, Mary E.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Mary E. Sayles Naming Her Attorneys]

Description: Document written by Mary E. Sayles appointing her son, Henry Sayles, and her son-in-law, George C. Harris, as attorneys in fact to her estate so that they may distribute and sell off her portions of the Austin and Williams land on her behalf. An addendum is handwritten and signed by the two men at the end of the document.
Date: March 15, 1905
Creator: Sayles, Mary E.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Legal Complaint from Mary E. Sayles]

Description: Legal complaint in which the plaintiff, Mary E. Sayles, disputes land rights between herself and the defendants, G. R. Pierce, J. H. Pierce and J. C. Maxwell with intentions to sue for the title and rights to the specified properties.
Date: March 22, 1899
Creator: Texas
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Land Sale Memorandum]

Description: Memorandum stating all the contractual terms for the sale of subdivision #32 of the Austin and Williams League # 340 from Mary E. Sayles to C. E. Jones. The document is signed by C. E. Jones and by John Sayles on behalf of Mary E. Sayles.
Date: February 27, 1906
Creator: Sayles, Mary E. & Jones, C. E.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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