36 Matching Results

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[Letter from Betty Riddle to Mr. Rigdon Edwards, August 21, 1973]

Description: Letter from Betty Riddle to Mr. Rigdon Edwards discussing a letter she received a letter from Gip D. Oldham, Jr., to which she's not sure how to respond. She asks Mr. Edwards for help with how to respond, and mentions that she has fond memories of Sweetwater, Texas. The letter she discusses, which is included, asks for information from ex-instructors in the WASP air school for the WASP newsletter. Also included is the envelope addressed to Mr. Edwards from Betty Riddle.
Date: August 21, 1973
Creator: Riddle, Betty
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from Elaine Harmon to Mrs. and Mrs. Edwards, August 11, 1980]

Description: Letter from WASP Elaine Harmon to Mrs. and Mrs. Edwards discussing the weather, and receiving a genealogy of her husband's grandmother that mentioned someone from Sweetwater, Texas named Bess Laverne. She asks them if they know anything about this woman. She also discusses communicating with a Robin Cannon and his wife, and the health concerns of several mutual friends. The letter is written on WASP stationary.
Date: August 11, 1980
Creator: Harmon, Elaine D.
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from Francie Meisner Park to Curley's Studio, August 16, 1985]

Description: Letter from Francie Meisner Park to Curley's Studio requesting a price for prints of her WASP flight school graduation photograph. There are handwritten notes on the back of the letter, also from Francie, but addressed to Rigdon Edwards. Also included is an envelope addressed to Curley's Studio, which has a "return to sender" stamp on it.
Date: August 16, 1985
Creator: Park, Francie Meisner
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[WASP in Graduation Uniform]

Description: Photograph of tow women in light colored uniforms standing on a wood platform with chairs behind them. A man in uniform can be seen to the right. Writing on the back of the photo reads, " Mrs. Berry Giles, Jacqueline Cochran, Col. Geer, Air Inspector Randolph Field" and "Graduation 44-W-6 Aug 4, 1944". The same information is relayed on a tag seen taped to the bottom of the photo.
Date: August 4, 1944
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

Rubbing of WASP Plaque Names

Description: Rubbing taken by Rigdon Edwards from some of the name plaques at the WASP memorial in Sweetwater at the bequest of a WASP named "Rexy", with a note from her about the monument and those who helped create it.
Date: August 23, 1993
Creator: Edwards, Rigdon, Jr.
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[WASP Photo Album from the Collection of Rig Edwards]

Description: Scrapbook with various photographs of Avenger Field and Women Airforce Service Pilots students and events that belonged to former WASP flight instructor, Rigdon Edwards Jr. Many of the photos are from later memorials and reunions of the WASP organization.
Date: August 2000
Creator: Spears, Sandra Edwards
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Aircraft Delivery Orders #2]

Description: Orders for several Air Force and WASP pilots to ferry planes from Love Field in Dallas, Texas to Moultrie, Georgia, San Antonio, Texas, and Fort Worth, Texas. The three WASP pilots are Gayle D. Ewing, Nadine B. Ramsey, and Helen A. Turner.
Date: August 24, 1944
Creator: 555th Army Air Forces Base Unit - 5th Ferrying Group
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum
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