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[Letter of R. Mills]

Description: Letter of R. Mills, 3 April 1835.
Date: April 3, 1835
Partner: Fort Bend Museum

J. Benito Camacho February 18th, 1835

Description: Reporting the governor's displeasure at the conduct observed by the commissioner Nixon and the Agent of the Impresarios Zavala, Vehlein, and Burnet, etc. etc.
Date: February 18, 1835
Creator: Camacho, J. Benito
Partner: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Enrique Rueg March 21st, 1835

Description: Transcribing a communication with the governor's decision to the memorial of the citizens complaining against the conduct pursued by Commissioner John Nixon and the agent of the impresarios.
Date: March 21, 1835
Creator: Rueg, Enrique
Partner: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

[Letter from Jorge Ant'o Nixon to Enrique Rueg] April 30th, 1835

Description: Letter to Henry Rueg accompanying communications received from W. S. Allen calling himself agent of the Impresarios Zavala Vehlein and Burnett -- protesting against Arturo Henry, the actual agent of said impresarios and also protesting as illegal the titles given by the former as such commissioner unless they had the signature of said Allen attached to them, and asking instructions on the subject.
Date: April 30, 1835
Creator: Nixon, Jorge Ant'o
Partner: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

[Letter from Martin Perfecto de Cos to Political Chief of Nacogdoches] August 8th, 1835

Description: Transcribes a communication from the War department stating the refusal of Lorenzo Zavala to present himself in Mexico to render account of his diplomatic commission to the court of France, and that as it is known that said Zavala had landed at Brazoria coming from New Orleans, to endeavour by all possible means to have him arrested he being a very dangerous person under the present circumstances, and to send him to the disposal of the Supreme Government
Date: August 8, 1835
Creator: de Cos, Martin Perfecto
Partner: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

[Harrisburg Election] October 8th, 1835

Description: An official statement that Zavala was one of the seven Delegates selected to represent the Jurisdiction of Harrisburg
Date: October 8, 1835
Creator: Richardson, Geo F.
Partner: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

[Letter from Borrego to Political Chief of Nacogdoches]

Description: Relating to the abuses committed by the commissioner of the impresario Zavala Vehlein and Burnett, and giving instruction on the subject
Date: April 1, 1835
Creator: Borrego
Partner: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Letter from Martín Perfecto de Cos to Commandant General June 17th 1835

Description: Letter from Martín Perfecto de Cos to Commandant General José Domingo Ugartechea, Principal Commandant of Texas. Instructing Ugartechea to order the military commandants that, if found, Lorenzo de Zavala be forced to sail to Veracruz and also that General Mexía be taken into custody and securely transported to Veracruz. 6/17/1835 127/12, p. 90
Date: June 17, 1835
Creator: de Cos, Martin Perfecto
Partner: Texas General Land Office

José María Falcón, Secretary of the State Government, to José Angel Navarro, Acting Political Chief of Dept. of Béxar]

Description: Transcribing a communication from the minister of state and relations to the governor (6/6/1835) requiring him to notify Lorenzo de Zavala to proceed to Mexico City and give an account of his diplomatic mission to France, and also to deliver to him the enclosed document (not found here). This order and the document forwarded to the political chief.
Date: July 20, 1835
Creator: Falcón, José María
Partner: Texas General Land Office

Lorenzo de Zavala to Stephen F. Austin, November 30th 1835

Description: Concerning a league of land for his family, the Consultation, and his general situation. Austin’s instruction to Gail Borden about Zavala’s land are included with this document.
Date: November 30, 1835
Creator: Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836
Partner: Texas General Land Office

[Petition letter number 371]

Description: Petition letter number 371.
Date: May 28, 1835
Creator: General Land Office
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Mexico, Presidente Interino]

Description: Interim President of Mexico instructs Mr. D. Miguel Santa Maria on the negotiation entrusted to him with the Cabinet of Madrid, regarding the recognition of Mexican Independence and the Treaty of friendship and commerce. Reference to: Note of Lorenzo Zavala; Duque de Frías; treaty of Spain with the Estados Generales de la Provincias Unidas in 1648 and of England with the U. S. in 1783 and 1794; required inclusion of Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, México, Michoacá… more
Date: March 5, 1835
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Col. Nicholas Copeland letter to Martin Bridgman, April 25, 1835]

Description: 1835 letter of Col. Nicholas Copeland to his son-in-law Martin Bridgman of Arkansas, enticing him to move to Texas. The letter discusses the price of land and cattle, as well as the profitability of crops such as cotton and corn. Copeland adds a note for Harry Currin, a free African-American, stating that Texas is a safe place to settle. His land grant (settlement & fortification) described in the letter was 25 miles west of the Trinity River just before crossing the Navasota River. This le… more
Date: April 25, 1835
Creator: Copeland, Nicholas
Partner: Other

Letter to Sam Houston

Description: Manuscript letter to Sam Houston from William G. Hill which is accompanied by the Goliad Declaration of Independence, an eight page manuscript, probably Sam Houston's copy, dated December 20, 1835
Date: December 20, 1835
Creator: Hill, William G.
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum
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