116 Matching Results

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[Clipping: West Texas Barbers Ask Representative on Board]

Description: Newspaper clipping about the appointment of a West Texas representative on the State Barber Board. There is a marking at the top of the clipping that reads, '11-25-57-Evening'.
Date: 1958~
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Latimer Wins By Big Margin]

Description: Newspaper clipping about Truett Latimer's incumbent win as the 84th District's State Representative.
Date: 19XX
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: I Cover The Lake Front]

Description: Newspaper clipping about the Latimer Bill and how it would affect the Eisenhower State Park Marina.
Date: April 27, 1961
Creator: Clift, John & Crenshaw, Jerry
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Latimer Bill Hearing Delayed]

Description: Newspaper clipping about the delay in the hearing of a bill by Truett Latimer that would prohibit people from taking intoxicants into all state parks.
Date: 1961?
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: County Asks Opinion On Paying Juvenile Board]

Description: Newspaper clipping about Taylor County seeking legal opinion from the Texas Attorney General on whether or not it must pay annual salaries of $1500 to each of its district judges for serving on the county juvenile board.
Date: March 14, 1961
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: New Mortality Table Affects Life Policies]

Description: Newspaper clipping about the new life insurance mortality table. At the top of the clipping is a date written in pen, '1-21-59'. The other side of the clipping contains an article titled 'Speaker from Odessa will Review 'Buttons in the Back''.
Date: January 21, 1959
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: City to Decide on Pioneer's Request to Use Field at Tye]

Description: Newspaper clippings about the request from Pioneer Airlines to move temporarily to the old Abilene Army Airfield at Tye and how much the move would cost. The date April 18, 1952, is written in pencil at the top of the leftmost clipping.
Date: 1952-04-18?
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Funeral Director's Research. Attics, Trunks Give Up History]

Description: Newspaper clipping discussing Jack North's research process for his book and how he discovered a biscuit that belonged to Thomas Henry Floyd. The clipping also provides details about North's book and the type of stories he covers regarding the pioneers of Abilene. The reverse side of the clipping includes a portion of a "Dear Abby" column and marriage announcements.
Date: July 31, 1974
Creator: Stoler, Susie
Partner: McMurry University Library

[Clipping: North Compiling Concise Histories]

Description: Newspaper clipping discussing the details of the book Jack North is writing, "Pioneers of Abilene." The clipping explains some of the factors that motivated Mr. North to write the book along with a brief description about the contents.
Date: November 2, 1971
Creator: Tucker, Sterling
Partner: McMurry University Library

[Jack North Preparing Book on Area Pioneers]

Description: Newspaper clipping discussing the details of Jack North's book about the pioneers of Abilene. The clipping also states that Mr. North is very thankful to the individuals who contributed information toward his book and urges other pioneers of the city to reach out.
Date: October 15, 1973
Partner: McMurry University Library

[Clipping: Prospect for a Railroad]

Description: Newspaper clipping titled, "Prospect for a Railroad," discussing a proposed railroad route from Abilene, Texas to Temple, Texas.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Taylor County, Texas, Greeting]

Description: Newspaper clipping announcing the hearing date for the condemnation of property in Abilene, Texas owned by J. H. Miller, Hannah J. Miller, A. K. Levy, and their unknown heirs, and instructing the people of Taylor County, Texas to serve the summons to the named persons and their unknown heirs by publicizing this notice.
Date: June 24, 1909
Creator: Motz, Charles; McKinney, P. M.; McDonald, A. F. & McDavid, J. L.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Two Mutuals Enter Merger]

Description: Newspaper clipping of the article, "Two Mutuals Enter Merger," announcing the merging of Citizens Mutual Life Insurance Association of Abilene and Winters Mutual Aid Association. There is an attached note to the article reading, "They paid in full several days ago with check on a Winters bank - 3500 I think I told Mather about merger. Mather carries same amt in this co. [fou] us children."
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: To the Sheriff or Constable of Taylor County, Texas]

Description: Newspaper clipping announcing the hearing date for the condemnation of property in Abilene, Texas owned by W. H. Rawlings and instructing the sheriffs and constables of Taylor County, Texas to serve the summons to W. H. Rawlings and his unknown heirs by publicizing this notice.
Date: 1909
Creator: Motz, Charles; McKinney, P. M.; McDonald, A. F. & McDavid, J. L.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Abilene Secured the Broadway Of America and Railroad Park']

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article written by W. J. Bryan about the proceedings of the U.S. Good Roads Association convention in 1919. Articles about dolomite discovery and a lime producer are visible on the back.
Date: December 1, 1946
Creator: Bryan, William John
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: Other Abilene Days]

Description: Newspaper clipping featuring an article filled with excerpts from the Abilene Reporter-News twenty-five and fifty years prior under the section head, "Old Lang Syne". Other articles are partially visible on the reverse side about a mayoral race, railroad re-laying, an auto agency opening, a Dallas speaker, and student honor roll.
Date: February 29, 1948
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Clipping: San Angelo Muster Covers Years]

Description: Newspaper clipping describing the wide age range of a Texas A&M Muster, or reunion, taking place in San Angelo. Former senator William John Bryan is said to be one of the older members in attendance.
Date: unknown
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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