25 Matching Results

Search Results

Primary view of [Texas Surgical Society Minutes: April 11, 1921]
Barnes, Frank
April 11, 1921
Primary view of [Receipt for Abstracts of Title, Guardian Trust Co., February 6, 1926]
Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
February 6, 1923
Primary view of [Envelope from Bradstreet's to C. C. Cox, August 29, 1922]
August 29, 1922
Primary view of [Congregation Adath Yeshurun Board of Trustees Minutes: 1921-1927]
Congregation Adath Yeshurun. Board of Trustees.
Primary view of [Congregation Adath Yeshurun Board of Trustees Minutes: 1928-1934]
Congregation Adath Yeshurun. Board of Trustees.
Primary view of [Muster Roll: 21st Texas Volunteer Infantry]
Cox, James C.
January 1, 1921
Primary view of [Envelope from Glenn Nichols Land Company to C. C. Cox, May 31, 1922]
Glenn Nichols Land Company
May 22, 1922
Primary view of [Contract for Statuary for Audelia Gabino's grave, 1929]
Houston Monument Company
May 21, 1929
Primary view of [Envelope from the Houston Packing Company to C. C. Cox, October 7, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
October 7, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Bacon and Pork Butt, August 11, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
September 11, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, August 28, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
August 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, November 1, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
November 1, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, November 17, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
November 17, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, November 29, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
November 29, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, October 12, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
October 12, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, October 16, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
October 22, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, September 11, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
September 11, 1922
Primary view of [Invoice for Pork Butts, September 25, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
September 25, 1922
Primary view of [Invoices for Pork Butts, September, 1922]
Houston Packing Company
September 28, 1922
Primary view of [Texas Surgical Society Minutes: April 9 and November 5, 1928]
Kirkham, H. L. D.
Primary view of [Texas Surgical Society Minutes: October 9, 1923]
Kirkham, H. L. D.
October 9, 1923
Primary view of [Acknowledgement of Payment to Atkinson and Atkinson, June 23, 1922]
unknown creator
June 23, 1922
Primary view of [Houston Property Descriptions and Correspondence Extracts]
unknown creator
October 18, 1925
Primary view of [Shares of The Se-Cola Bottling Company]
unknown creator
March 23, 1920
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