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[Letter from Matilda Dodd and Dinkie McGee to Charles and Mary Ann Moore, April 8, 1887]

Description: Letter from Matilda Dodd and Dinkie McGee discusses weather and cold snap that probably killed all the peach blossoms, but apples and garden looks ok. She recommends Mary get her teeth pulled that are bothering her. Abe is in town and Bettie is lonesome. Some geologists had come and visited Abe's gas well. Willie is working as chain carrier for a surveyor. Birdie, Mary and Bessie have learned to knit and Birdie is piecing a quilt. The women made soap and it only took 3 days. Dinkie's chic… more
Date: April 8, 1887
Creator: Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Dinkie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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