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[Tape of a radio interview with Ruby Dee and Curtis King]

Description: Video recording from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during a taping of a radio interview with Curtis King and Ruby Dee conducted by the radio station 107.5 NYC for an "Evening of Spoken Word with Ruby Dee" to take place at the Apollo Theatre on Mothers day weekend 2012. The footage shows King and Dee seated across from a microphone while King encourages individuals to come out and attend the event.
Date: 2012
Duration: 4 minutes 05 seconds
Creator: 107.5 (NYC)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
captions transcript

[City Council Public Hearing - Gay and Lesbian Police Officers]

Description: Video footage from the Resource Center LGBT Collection. The 1992 Dallas City Council holds a public hearing of their constituents in regards to upholding the ban on gay men and lesbians being able to be police officers. At 2:36:48 the public hearing closes and the council begins their debate on the topic. The council eventually decides to uphold the ban. At 4:13:56, the council moves on to other items, including an item about whether or not they should continue a contract a law firm whose compl… more
Date: 1992-01-22/1992-01-23
Duration: 5 hours 27 minutes 16 seconds
Creator: 1992 Dallas City Council
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

"Beware of the Hypocrites..."

Description: Campaign brochure documenting Congressman Bob Casey's congressional voting record on civil rights issues. The pamphlet equates Casey and Barry Goldwater.
Date: unknown
Creator: 22nd District Get-Out-The-Vote Committee
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Special Orders Number 99, Extract 1]

Description: Special Order from Sid C. Pinskton listing the names of women who completed the Women's Airforce Service Pilot (WASP) training program and are authorized to fly military aircraft.
Date: November 6, 1944
Creator: 2536D Army Air Forces Base Unit
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Special Orders Number 102, Extract 1]

Description: Special orders extract reassigning a list of Women Air Force Service Pilot members, having completed their training, to be transferred to new air base stations.
Date: September 9, 1943
Creator: 318th Army Air Forces Flying Training Detachment
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum
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